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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. I also see the word marbles for a split second then it morphs into something else? The last letter is clearly an "s" Not sure if there is u.v in the house? I'll look around.
  2. Anyone know what this game is called? and or what it may be worth. Have a feeling I overspent, but it was in such good condition and bigger than anyone I have seen before at 13 3/4" Any info would be great.
  3. All mibs in the box are + - a hair or 3/4" Box is 6x4x3 and weighs 1.91 kg Did the rub thingy but it is to shallow. Got the editor working and blew up a pic. I can see the top word is either Dales or Bales but the bottom word is ??
  4. I can't subscribe to these being made in France since I have only seen these in German packages before (someone must have a pic?). I sold Roger a bag about 15 years ago but the pic is long gone. The term "Made In" was used pretty liberally back in the day. I have Solitaire sets marked made in Great Britain with German handmades. I have other Sol sets made by H.P Gibson & sons Ltd with Wirepulls marked "Made in England" Another example of a Solitaire set marked "British Manufacture" with (Made in England) in brackets with silver foil clay marbles in it. Another set by Glevum Games marked Made in England with Figure 8's in it. ect ect... Gonna have to be a ridged stubborn oldtimer and stick with this type as being made in Germany. I am flexible and if more definitive concrete proof is found that these were made in France comes along I have no problem changing my opinion. At the moment though "Made In" pretty much means Jack Diddley to me in most cases.
  5. Nope no markings or slips. As you can see there was a sticker at one time, and there was something written in the top in what looks to be pencil, but it unreadable. I tried to darken it with a bit of spit and that helped a little, but still can't make it out. As soon as I figure out why my photo editing program is not working I'll take some pics and see if I can doctor it a little, that may help. They have been in the box for some time I assume because the ones on the edges near the rusty staples have rust stains on them. None have an orange peel surface and all are mint with only a few with as made internal fractures.
  6. Nothing I can see either??? I think I would put the $20.00 I would think of offering back in my pocket.
  7. Right off the plane to a shop in Henley where I scored these. Jobber box? Dead on 200 in it.
  8. Looks good to me. At 2" though I would have to think that it would go into the Jack Ball size range.
  9. I think my camera is is near totally dead. It makes clunking noises when I pick it up. That's bad right? Tried to do this one some justice.
  10. Someone asked me to P.M them when this one was listed. Can't find the P.M of remember who it was though. http://www.ebay.com/sch/seether71/m.html?item=331874230866&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  11. LOL The original title had an r in flames, but I thought that that looked too much like a craigslist ad.
  12. Roger used to drive over and get my top shelf Euro stuff since he had dibsies. Gonna miss that guy. One of my first marble buddies. Sadly he never got to see the last bunch, and looking at them kinda sucks, so some are getting sold off. Nice examples. http://www.ebay.com/sch/seether71/m.html?item=331865785506&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  13. New seller name. Still great marbles. http://www.ebay.com/itm/262375298032?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  14. I'm at 300 different colours/combos/shades/types ect ect... Here's some.
  15. Is it him bidding more than once? Eg: he bids .99 then bids again later at $1.25 that would make 2 bids but the high bid at .99 because you can not bid up yourself? Sounds odd.
  16. I see lots of unmentioned polished stuff. Nothing compared to this though. Not sure if it is tragic or funny? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1800s-German-Handmade-Shooter-1-AG2-20-Mint-Amazing-for-Collectors-/291713968099?hash=item43eb81e7e3%3Ag%3AXhUAAOSwHgVW7gMX&nma=true&si=cVVBiAo80APGuV1%252BebRx6rjhfGI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  17. Hi Steph! Could not find the waving guy so you get the angry dude doing naughty things to his computer.
  18. Several people asked me to inform them when these marbles would be coming up for sale. So here is the first one. Ends Sunday. Now that my contract is up and I am unemployed for the next 3 months there will be more to come. Thanks for looking. http://www.ebay.com/itm/331808315849?rmvSB=true
  19. orbboy


    47mm Catseye. Last pic has a peewee on top.
  20. Ahhhh I get it now. That clears it up. So that would make mine above from left to right white, white, yellow, yellow as backing colours?
  21. Scrounged around and came up with only these 4 Onions that were hollow in the middle. It was mentioned earlier that Onions needed an "inner layer of an opaque color". Do these have that? Or am I missing something?
  22. Listed but pushed down real far down the page so fast by a bunch of other crappy listings most might have missed it. http://www.ebay.com/sch/seether71/m.html?item=331695013042&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  23. Ok so the consensus is: HENRI THE SUPER TWISTY BLIZZARD TORNADO AWESOME CANE-CUT GERMAN WEAK ONION MARBLE! MAYBE? Just kidding. That's too many letters. Guess I'll go with the basics with lots of ????? Yep that is Mica in there. All the little white specks. They are small and by no means is there a ton of it, but there is a nice overall obvious sparkle. The colours reach about half way into the marble I would assume because of the twist. Then there is a Ghost Core of some sort you can see if backlit that fills out the center. I was also ummmming over it being one of the Single Pontil types. It has sort of a 9 on it, but lacks any sort of tail that I can see. If it did have a tail that would solve a lot.
  24. Is This a Confetti or a Blizzard? or just another cool marble? Any help would be great.
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