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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. I have a type 3 with just red in it.
  2. They were an Ebay win. Can't believe nobody bid on them but me????
  3. Check out the weird knobs on these two. They would sorta make sense if they were at the poles, but they are not. Quality control was out to lunch when these were made. Aside from the knobs they are I guess for lack of a better term burned. They have a surface discolouration that looks like rust staining, as do several others in the group pic. Nothing I know will get it off. Not even a razor blade. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
  4. Some of these are near identical. All 1 1/16"ish
  5. Not wanting to burst your bubble, but that type of Cat is actually quite common. I have literally hundreds of them in the catseye tub. I call them "Shatter Cats".
  6. orbboy


    Now for the smaller ones. Biggest measures 7/16". I think one is glass though?
  7. orbboy


    Not the original board, and I added in the centre one. Some show faint lathing spirals. Big boys 1 5/8".
  8. orbboy


    Amzonite it is then. I know next to nothing about minerals. I knew Lapis was blue though lol. I like that is a 37 holer. And the Crocodile.
  9. orbboy


    Lapis Lazuli mid century set. I have a couple of those lizards back in Canada.
  10. While I was doing the southern Ontario hunt I would ask all the old boys/girls if they had any info on marble makers in the area. The three places that came up were Georgetown, Ancaster and somewhere in the Owen Sound/ Wiarton area. With the Owen Sound/ Wiarton one coming from a few different people. I was never able to find anything about any of them but they might be a start for some down deep google search.
  11. orbboy


    Not sure if they used a machine on these ones. Looks like they were rounded on a rock down by the river.
  12. Found some online. Not Quite Chinese or the same size, but the colours match dead on. Thanks for the help.
  13. And did they make these in this smaller size?
  14. Murano? I have seen these around from time to time. Two different dealers have told me they purchased them in Italy while on purchasing trips. They had marbles, glass candies and fish as well as other Murano items on their booths. I always pass on them since I thought they were Asian. These ones came in a lot of mixed stuff, so now I have some. Getting them home and putting them next to the Asians I do have I will say they really do not match up colour wise. Sort of but not quite. Far from being an expert on modern Asian marbles and what they are making right now I was hoping someone might know what these are. They measure just under 5/8" and all have defined pontils (last 2 pics). Any ideas? Thanks for any input.
  15. Like all End of Cane or messed up Handmades there was only X per cane that could have come out. So scarce is a good word for it. I would think that one would sell on looks rather than rarity. It is a looker.
  16. I would go with End of Cane Caged Split Ribbon (if it has 12 outer bands or inner in this case). Looks like some extra clear got pulled/globbed/spread/smooshed? over the bands and they were forced towards the centre. Cool marble. Here is a fat Tornado
  17. LOL! No clue where it was really made actually. I just call any marble I see come out of any English lot over the last 15 years Euro. I have seen several of these. They come with patches on either one side or both. I do have a single sided one that was all not all mashed up. Will get pics. I'll have a dig through the top few inches of the junker tub to see if I can find any others.
  18. Looks Euro to me. I'll see if I have one that did not end up in the junker tub. I know I put a few in there. Pretty sure I sent one to Ric a few years back
  19. I think I read somewhere that 12 was considered "caged"?? Thanks Steph. It is a crazy little marble. Here are some more from the group. 16 - 18 bands on the first 4 yellow then white ones. Then 18 on the alternatering yellow white single one. The worker was a busy beaver that day I guess.
  20. Winnie what is your observation of ratio to what you are finding between the transparent and opaque ones? From your pic it looks like you are finding more red ones than other colours. Plenty of those red ones here. Other colours are M.I.A at the moment for me. Love that shooter green and blue.
  21. Hard to count inhand but when counted in editing program I am pretty sure there are 26 outer lines. Anyone have one this caged?
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