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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. A marble buddy over here asked me to post some pics of his collection. He has not been at it to long, but you can see that quality and condition are at the top of his list. Some nice eye-candy for all to take a look at. First group is an assorted sol set
  2. Cork to the left of the center one is 31/32" full 4 twists.
  3. Weird U.K find. From a incomplete Solitaire set. I think they are Christensen? since a number have a single cut line. Measure 13/16"
  4. Right below the one Steph mentioned. The green, yellow and pink one looks like a Vitro Sweetpea. Better pics needed. If so the most valuable one in your groups.
  5. ??? Any faceting? Or Wrinkles, Ripples, dimples or pops?
  6. I didn't know that Dutches came this small until I had a chance to view a wonderful collection A couple months back. He had some weird and wonderful stuff.
  7. Showed a couple of crappy old 5 megapixel of this one here about 15 years ago. If anyone remembers. Then it got stuffed in Storage until I scrounged it out. Old and authentic 2 5/8". Can it be called a Dutch?
  8. Yay! Found another one. Now I have 4, sadly 2 are nibbled. My favorite kind of Euro Sparkler.
  9. Here are some on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pink-Floyd-Dark-Side-Of-The-Moon-Marbles-/152410210763?hash=item237c5b41cb:g:Tf8AAOSwHoFXs5D4
  10. Nice sunny day. Teign Vally Glass - Duke Of York 38mm set.
  11. Couldn't make the donation thingy say $65.00 so only most of next month is on me. Glad we are staying open.
  12. It's the end of the year. Lets see your favorite marble or marbles from 2016. Here are mine. Not new additions, but I did just find them again last month.
  13. Looked much smaller in the auction. Couldn't let it pass for 4.99
  14. New ones. Kinda a cross between the Flames and a Wirepull. Technically a Wirepull I guess.
  15. Vitro did that blue and redish brown combo.
  16. So my 40 liter plastic tub of discards was full, and I thought to myself that I would get a 50 liter Carboy bottle to use next. Found one a few months back and started filling it. Very carefully mind you. I put a crimped bottom cardboard tube down the hole and filled the tube, then gently pull the tube up to release the crimp. Marbles slowly flow out. Took some time to do but the mound of boxes and bags of homeless discards is gone and I have a cool looking half filled bottle. Then out of the blue this happens. We were just sitting there and heard a crack noise and a few marbles hit the floor. I managed to drag it out of the corner but the crack spread big time. It weighs a lot. I also managed to pluck another bit off under the original hole so some could flow out. What a pain in the ass!
  17. I thought the MK's like those were larger? Someone has a pic of them in a bag I remember. I can see a little Vacor in it though. Is the glass texture smooth or gritty?
  18. Someone got a fantastic deal. Did you notice the size? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GLASS-MARBEL-/122219015425?hash=item1c74d22d01%3Ag%3AY6AAAOSw4GVYI3u7&nma=true&si=cnGpOWckEvsY3HFS%2BnodKKp1jGM%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  19. Marble of the year? Wow! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122216811269?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  20. I would think it would be. Nice marble. You would need 32 more Steph lol. On top of that not all of them form nice 9,s and can be pretty sloppy. Then they have to be of the same quality, and not the cheaper later ones. Could take awhile.
  21. Just from the pics I would say that all of yours would fit the bill as early Transitionals except the first green one. That one is a ??? from the pics. Inhand compared to a MFC you can see the difference in glass if that makes sense. If any of the others came in with that purple one then there is a good chance they are Trannies cuse that purple one is a classic example imo. Every one I have is 11/16" or a shade smaller. I do have a couple that are closer to 5/8" than 11/16" but just by hairs. Someone here broached this subject some time back regarding the opaque red and white ones that look like these. I have yet to find any of those on a set though. So while I think that they are related I can't say for sure.
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