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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. I thought there was some considerable depth in your marble appreciation and this attest to the fact. I doubt though that you'll be able to strictly have your participants respond in a thoroughly organized manner which you've laid out as nice as it may seem. Our thoughts or at least mine overlap considerable from one subject heading to another. Anyway, I've got to sleep on this one before I lay down any personal opinions about this 'n' that. I will say without any great consideration and contemplation that marble value is extremely fluid(you allude to this) and a major contributing factor is the individual holding the marble and his/her depth of knowledge/experience in the marble community totally outside of any market value or intrinsic value currently associated with the marble. I have seen this work time and time again in my own sales because I generally know my marbles and have had some history with them. This should be a fun Thread. David Edit: Alan's Post done practically simultaneously with mine.....Wuzz-Up Wid Dat! David
  2. I'd have to say that it got ratcheted up a bit in the Thread and I did participate although not in the more over-the-top aspects of it. This is a tough one actually. I could live with 'R.' X or XXX, well you know where to go for that. Otherwise, to tone it down too much might just stifle some of our creative instincts. I go here because it can be fun and I'll admit I enjoy being edgy in the cause of good intentions. I would say that m!b$ was righteously provoked by this seller and I hardly blame her for teeing off on the person. All of this though has no value unless someone steps up to the plate and makes a formal report to eBay. Please see my post just now on m!b$ Thread where I suggest what to do and the possible consequences of doing it. David
  3. This marble noted above by Steph is also unusual for the Brown but the brown latticinio trumps it. I don't recall ever previously hearing about true brown in those circumstances. Let's see, that should have a factor multiplication of at least '15X.' David
  4. Brown would be a sleeper or something muddying the waters, either way decidedly different. David
  5. Man there's something real scaggy about that black aventurine! David
  6. That's probably because what goes around comes around.....Karma! David
  7. Clearly the Alox genes were passed down to the 3rd Generation. David
  8. Nah, just eleven movie DVDs. Did get a 1940s bakelite View-Master viewer MIB w/ a few reels to boot. Oh, some jade and coral but that was about it. Haven't had a flea market marble hit in quite sometime. I am though anticipating some goodies from a couple guys on the Board here. David
  9. Been waiting for this one to show up. So far or at least 'till another surfaces I'd say it was practically in the one-of-a-kind category! David
  10. Actually Nancy I hadn't even noticed that you'd spelled my name wrong. I was more rapt(and wrapped) up with enjoyment over the positive side of this thread and yours and Ron's participation in it. Sort of a 'Team Alox!' David
  11. Never heard of the name before. How'd you come by it? Will definitely be interested in seeing this one when you have a chance to get it up. Cool name anyway! David
  12. Interesting. Exceptional fluid in appearance. The marble almost seems like it is dripping! They have a distinct resemblance to the European caged-style fat cores that Castle & Peterson introduce in their cat's-eye book. David
  13. Hi Winnie, I do not recall ever previously seeing this style of marble in this size. Quite the find! David
  14. Akro Gatherer, I'm not really sure what to say as it seems anything I might say will take on some warped interpretation by you. Do you work at this or does it come easily? 'Bout the only thing I can say to your diatribe above is, "Huh?" Oh yeah, that "kool-aid" reference; that's the 2nd time at least that I've seen you use that. What's that suppose to imply? How you have conjured my simply enquiry into some vast Jabo conspiracy.....well I'll just leave that to everyone else to ponder. I really thought that my answer to your enquiry of me was pretty straight forward and understandable but when we have a special filter sifting our thoughts to the dark side I guess anything is possible. Thankfully, the jist of this Alox thread is joy. David Chamberlain
  15. Hi Nancy, Will get back to you this coming week and can send along original photographs or do some new ones. I took great liberties a few years ago and actually named two Alox marbles. Will send you an example; just as soon as I see what I have that might suit your purposes. I have always had great affection for Alox marbles. My email is [email protected] or call (831) 462-1873. David Chamberlain
  16. Akro Gatherer, No, 'cause it was pretty clear that there couldn't be any doubt from the preceding posts in the thread that the Alox machine was at Jabo. I was wondering if you were maybe enquiring more deeply regarding the circumstances of it being there thus the "So?" to your post basically asking for more clarity on what you might have been getting at. Maybe I just read more into it than was there.....David
  17. The Paul Bunyan is in the front row six marbles in. The blue based one with the green patch.....1". David
  18. Where have I heard that before! I may just have to provide an addendum to my Alox article. Who'd have ever thunk it....Alox Agate Co marbles in the 21st Century. David
  19. Which 1st and 2nd run? Let's see, there has already been a 2nd run of JOKER II 2010 or was that the third run of JOKER III. Whose on first? I dunno; I think I need a crib sheet. Help! David Edit Sunday May 2nd: I was just being silly here and do have a running tab on JOKER runs + obviously full respect for Alox Agate Co marbles past and present and the considerable effort that went into pulling off this 21st Century Alox marble run. Alox marbles and Jabo marbles will never be mistaken one for the other.
  20. Sounds like a winner to me too. Give it your best shot! David P.S. I'm off to the flea market to shop....
  21. Very unusual. Last pics seemed to be the best so far especially the one on the left. I'm going to have to look at my marbles closer. Steve has always been bugging me that I don't see enough colors, aventurine and such. Guess I'm just old fashion and have been tracked to accept or expect only so much. David
  22. I hear that they've got runs booked into or thru June. David
  23. O.K., is that Orange Aventurine or an orange marble with sparkle? Innocent question. Didn't Jabo just recently pull something off with orange aventurine? I think a trick for shooting aventurine inside is angling at the marble a strong Mag-Lite and shooting. David
  24. I've always felt that they were fairly easily recognizable from the get-go but I already had a small collection of many of the different original St. Mary's cat's-eyes including a couple of the 1 inch, 4 vane, 4 color. Not to be discouraged though and as I mentioned later in my Post send me your address and I'll provide you with ten of these gratis. Hey! I have my marble black holes as well. I was humiliated big time once on a panel at Amana when it came to properly identifying a particular transitional marble and who should step up to the plate with a state-of-the-art explanation as to exactly what the marble was and its multi-faceted particulars but Bob Block. Now if you don't think that one hurt you don't know me! I really think there was a plant in the audience that posed that one. David
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