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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. I could see that Black Glass Amethyst one coming even before to backlit it. I've always liked black glass amethyst. David
  2. Although I have a decent Jabo collection from 2003 and 2004 I never got sufficient qty. in the 3/4" named ones to have the odds work in favor for me to get some of those with aventurine. I did though get an incredible cross section of numerous of the premiere examples. I think Ron had a thing for me then....just kiddin'. But he sure sent me stuff that had to have been absolutely top flight examples. Separately I have from 2004 these 26 or 28 different Pee Wees that have to have been the top 28 made. And then I boxed them four of each. To die for! Let's see, what I've been meaning to say here is that my Indian Blankets and Indian Wool Blankets do not give me pause for concern ID-wise. Now maybe this one does. I think I'd have to be right there considering it though. David
  3. Has to be one of the more significant collections in the country. Make that in the world! Some serious putting together with those. It's good to every now and then be totally humbled by a person's marbles. Thanksm David
  4. Had me panicked and suckered for a moment! Check the Frankie Run thread though for my last comments re. a few of these that were sent to me by Ron Shepherd. I got eighteen and one is tasty enough to maybe present a problem. Actually the specific marble is f----n' incredible. I'm not a Brick person but "Whoa!" Quite the coincidence your post since I got the marble(s) only yesterday. David
  5. Yes 13/16" is good. 7/8" is better but if it's a red slag that is worthy in all other respects then 13/16" is all that's necessary for it to be. That's a respectable Red Slag in anyones book. Red will almost always have a multiple in price factoring. I think Block lets you multiple by 3 the basic value already attributed to its size. And if the marble has any characteristics that allow it to rise above the normal you take that into consideration as well. We're talking Akro here aren't we? They go up to 1 1/4" I think Christensen Red Slags have gone up to 1", I've had 7/8" and that's very nice. Galen would, of course, have the skinny on Christensen Red Slags. David
  6. These were made 3-28-2010 and Ron listed them as Frankies to me. I have them right beside me now and the group of eighteen that I have are all 3/4". Actually they range from 11/16" to 3/4"+ about 1/32". So just these 18 range all over the place. The 11/16" one is a Brick w/white(just the right amount of white) and at least three distinct shades of red oxblood. It is killer. No I think that's four distinct shades of red oxblood or what is actually off red. Jesus! I have another Brickish one that also has lime green. Figure that! (had to cut out for a little bit) Where was I. Oh yeah, how could I forget. There's one here that must break a record for number of colors that are distinctive and in uniform 1/16" narrow swirls all over the marble insanely intricately. And, of course, there's flames. oops, one has a glitch(I ain't complaining!). So, you get the idea. They're unreal I think you should have a license to carry these or at least obtained a level of marble proficiency and appreciation to warrant having some. I kid you not. David
  7. Ron sent me a few of these. I actually didn't count I was just so blown away by them. They must have to put blinders on when they're boxing them up. These are to die for! Can you imagine how you'd have to be feeling if you were actually there when you saw what you'd just seen made. I hope there weren't any heart attacks because these marbles could cause palpitations. I gotta go back and sneak a peak at what Ron sent. You really need to sit down and get lost in these because they have what we all want in marbles.....David
  8. You know, it was purely elitism on my part because the people who were showing off their accumulations of glowing marbles were happy as a Lark! David
  9. I never got many of the 3/4" ones from that run so my selection must have missed out on the ones with aventurine. I wasn't even aware that they were going for it back then. I'll have to take my mag lite and give the ones that I have another look-see. Never even considered aventurine....David
  10. I hear ya! And I don't mean to belittle the surprise factor. Guess I've seen over the years too many people who have collected common glow marbles just for that characteristic. I sort of chocked it up to the equivalent of collecting wooden marbles. I can hear the wooden marble contingent right now lining up to give me a piece of their mind! David
  11. Wow! I'd have never in a thousand years have come up with Alley Agate on that 1st one. Really kind of a non-descript marble all told. I'm floored! Not one that I'd necessarily have been lusting after for my Alley collection. Then I can't get too turned on by the chalkies. David
  12. I don't know these are not me strength but take a look on pg. 138 of Bob Block's "Collecting Early Machine-Made Marbles (The M.F. Christensen & Son Co. and Christensen Agate Company" (2003). There's one there that is the spittin' image and it even has those splotches of powder blue. Joe Bob says, "Check it out!" David
  13. Looks like my guesstimates were pretty much right in there for the 2"+ one. And I guess I really should have referenced Bert's site considering he and Rosalie are such good friends. Talk about the Mother Lode when it comes to contemporary marbles! David
  14. Hi Marboman, We just PM'd separately about this marble and it is either an Indian Wool Blanket or an Indian Blanket. I never got around to determining the difference. It's from the 2003(I'm pretty sure) Superman Run which had the Sweet Pea, Black-Eyed Pea, Indian Wool Blanket, Indian Blanket, Superman and Mountaineer. They are shown in JABO A Classic by Sturtz & Johnson 2008. Actually the Bell Curve of these marbles was shown in the recent Texas Club newsletter but for some reason the color reproduction was all faded out in my issue. whereas the color in the rest of the issue was fine. Of course, none had aventurine but some Golden Rebels are weak in that respect. That's right isn't it, a Golden Rebel can be without aventurine? See, I don't know everything! Well, like that patch-like Tribute to Friendship 5/8" marble I discussed in the other thread this marble came about through sheer happenstance and I doubt that Golden Rebel was on the minds of the crew that were sorting and boxing. Indian Blanket or Indian Wool Blanket came more readily to mind as attested to the postings about them and the subsequent books which identify them. David
  15. I figure with my calipers, my Mag Lite and my Show 'n' Tell case I hardly need to be lugging around add'l paraphernalia but to each his own. David
  16. I really don't know for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if Josh Simpson had a Copyright on the name Inhabited Planet. They surely deserve it. David P.S. Oh, the prices I quoted or extrapolated from are from Mark Block's "Contemporary Marbles and Related Art Glass" 2001
  17. The opaque white background does look a little different. Often the satellite will have a trail of bubbles behind it. By satellite I'm meaning the thing you identified as a butterfly. David
  18. Marboman, I don't think your marble shown a few posts back would be any more misguiding than a John Hamen Miller 3/4" Golden Rebel. And I suspect that in hand it would be readily recognized as anything but what it is. Again, though, I sort of know my marbles and someone coming in on the wing well it's an entirely different matter. I say, tread lightly, pay your dues and realize that marbles are no one shot affair easily translatable to a 10 point Crib Sheet. So to a certain extent my opinion about the difficulty of these potential look-a-like marbles is a bit clouded and prejudiced from where I'm coming from. David
  19. I am not a black light person and never much cared about this marble characteristic. I think marbles need to stand on their own up front. Parrots don't need anything other than what they already have going for them. Now Eddie Seeses' black light creations(some with five colors) that need a black light to even be seen are something entirely different. There's where a black light comes into play. Then there are people who go around with a black light religiously and check out every marble. You figure. This is not meant as any sort of a negative reflection on your enquiry just my opinion on the subject which I probably should have kept to myself big mouth that I am! David
  20. I have no idea what's happening with that first marble. One of the pics makes it look like a Lined Crockery with aventurine but that couldn't be. I'm at a loss there. But your second one is made by Josh Simpson and is called an Inhabited Planet. He is from Shelburne, Mass. His marbles of this kind have continents, oceans, clouds, satellites....As Marilyn Barrett states "Small dream worlds we can hold in our hands." His 5 inch ones get big bucks like $1500+. A 2" one I imagine could be $400 these days but I'm not up on what his marbles are commanding. Put his name up there on maybe Land of Marbles and see what Pete is offering his marbles for if he is. Davcid
  21. Looks a little like a pacifier but then I imagine it is somewhat enlarged. David
  22. How 'bout we give it a try. No conditions. Heck, we'd probably spend a week working out conditions anyway. Gentleman's agreement sort of thing. I'm game. I'd prefer to have fun here and not spend my time slingin' it. Anyway, I'd prefer spinning out whacky witticisms over sarcasm(cutting, bitter or caustic wit in case anyone wants a Webster's definition. I paraphrase). So, I'm going to go unilateral with this and see how long I can stand to do it. It should be for the better good. And no, I'm not going on vacation like some of you lucky stiffs heading out on the marble circuit so I'll be handicapped by having to stick around. I have to tell this one. A year or so ago someone(I forget who) wanted one of the Salazar 'Moon and Star' marbles so I sold him one. Well, here it comes rolling back to me I guess with a wobble because he decided that it was out-of-round. Never before have I heard that about David's Moon and Star marbles and I usually buy them 10 at a time. I refunded the guy, of course, but wrote a note that I'd had it checked out by NASA with advanced micrometers and determined that it was in fact something to the 10th power out of whack. I let him know that the next time I was in California I would see to it that David Salazar was flogged to within an inch of his life. And I went on and on and on. Unfortunately I tossed the letter and just sent a refund check with my apologies. I'm going to have fun telling Salazar about this the next time I see him. David
  23. I love it when that WV man with marble wisdom chimes in. By the way, in any, ANY identification being made size is integral to your decision. Sizes and other characteristics work hand-in-hand in determining what you have. David
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