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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. John McCormack is, of course, the epitome of integrity and while initially a few years ago some of his earliest smaller Christensen-like examples got loose out there he right away went to work on establishing a defining and indelible mark on his marbles which is incised literally laser-like. Actually I think it is heat applied. Actually, I don't quite remember! I want some of these in the 5/8" size. Never especially got off on 1" and 1"+ machine-mades. Some of my favorite marbles were made by John. David
  2. Hybrid cat's-eye marbles in the main refers to Vitro 5 vane cat's-eyes with hybrid characteristics. That's pretty much the designation given to the name Hybrid Cat's-Eyes by Castle & Peterson. Of course, hybriding can occur in other types of cat's-eyes. I wouldn't call all those in your initial Post in this thread hybrids. I personally love Vitro Hybrids and have a small made-up box of 30 that I try to upgrade. David
  3. Looking like it(Champion New-Old Fashion) to me especially with that mucous matrix. David
  4. Besides the fading possibility if dry cleaned you might experience shrinking because we're talking about real animal leather here I would imagine. I had a great doll's cord. Jacket with a mink collar(1930s) dry cleaned and the collar shrank(Yikes! The backer for the collar was leather). Thankfully my friend Sharron(2 r's) made a whole new collar for me from some look-a-like fur fabric that I got at the fabric store. And made it and sewed it on for me.....what a gal! I don't know, hat's kind of a grungy looking bag. Unless it's super rare I'd hold out for something better but I'm not up on what's what in Akro bags not was I ever. David P.S. You might wind up having to have the marbles shrunk to pee wee size.
  5. I'm thinking about retiring and then in nine years when I'm '80' reemerge for a Major Marble Tour. Everyone else seems to be doing it. Just got to figure out where to retire to.....retirement hasn't really been a factor in my scheme of things......David
  6. The name Nottmiller was a stroke of genius! David
  7. Nifty bag....whatever. That is the first time when I've experienced the enlargement being almost smaller than the Posted pic! David
  8. Norkamarbles is correct. I have seen and recall antique authentic ones like this. Still Carskadden and Gartley in their books CHINAS-HAND-PAINTED MARBLES OF THE LATE 19th CENTURY and COLONIAL PERIOD AND EARLY 19th-CENTURY CHILDREN'S TOY MARBLES show and describe remakes with similar characteristics. Sloppiness in the images or concentric patterns was not confined strictly to modern remakes and visa-versa when it comes to intricate precision. David
  9. I suggest that for a full on marble experience you try Archie on some cat's-eyes, assuming that's not too repellant a thought! David
  10. My tack when I see that a Thread has become a oneway no-way street is to abandon it. Unfortunately I do not always follow my own advice. David
  11. Jabo 2003 Superman were 3/4". This isn't one of those I don't think. This marbles was in another Thread, wasn't it? I said there that whenever the seller provides two possible marble companies as the manufacturer you gotta know you are in trouble. This is the same marble isn't it? I gotta go back and look at it again. David On second thought it could be a Jabo Superman that is a little over 3/4" and the person settled on 7/8" To be honest I found a certain marble in the Jabo 2006 run that was 5/8" to have great Superman characteristics including depth. I highlighted it in one of my Jabo articles at joemarbles.com
  12. I'm game! I might state that I'd much prefer the proviso that they be in hand for serious identification. I do not see any Christensen Agate Co. marbles in this group although I don't see what this is suppose to prove I would though entertain a shipment of the group fully insured and I would pay both ways for a definitive identification. David
  13. Well, of course. I think that we can agree that Patrick is a "special case." I'll ask someone if they can post it at MC because I don't have the foggiest idea of how to do that. And I will sincerely request that Kevin take off the Ban on Sue. David P.S. Probably won't be back in here 'till tomorrow morning or maybe not even 'till Wed.
  14. Interesting group statistics there. Hard to generalize from just the one group but I think you will find it fascinating looking back on this at some later point. David
  15. Again in my CAT'S-EYE SERIES consisting of 87 photographs w/descriptions at Marble Mental in the back pages you will find considerable breakdowns of the various types w/color variations noted. I'd go over and find the specific Threads and Pages for you but I'm banned at Marble Mental. David Chamberlain
  16. I'd like to direct you to a thread I started at All About Marbles this morning title JOKER III 2010 REDUX. David
  17. Actually the only reason that ID info was provided on those comic boxes was because Peltier went after the instigator and made him put it on there. It is not a great stretch to jump to bona fide frauds when a marble(California Sulphides) is being questioned especially when the bona fide fraud is also a sulphide. David
  18. I know there was a thread going already but I just got 50 or so of these today and I have to mouth off. I actually got 57. Interesting because they might just as well be 57 Varieties....Heinz! You know how when you're sorting you have this pile and this pile and this pile. All of these went into the same pile! Unreal. There wasn't a one in the bunch that I could think any less of. I maybe did start thinking A and A+. We are so lucky that these marbles are being made today. It's a miracle really. McCullough keeps getting better and better. Every one has flame-like action. I swear that these establish a new standard for what's considered a Flame. Well, that might be going a little too far! Still, I can't believe that marbles like this are being machine-made and it's happening right now. Again, we are so lucky. David Chamberlain
  19. Hi m!b$, Nothing personal. You know me; I get wound up at times. Will be away from the computer most of this coming week.....David
  20. I would really like to lean towards the Paul Bunyans being made by Ravenswood as Ron states in his 2007 piece. If you note he does sort of wind-up throwing his hands in the air much like he concluded yesterday evening when we talked. Regarding memory lapses this covers everyone. Mike Johnson in the many years he researched his book AMERICAN MACHINE-MADE MARBLES(2006) regularly ran into contradictory past rememberances from factory workers, family of factory workers, etc. Anyway at this stage I'm with Ron in giving them the Ivory Soap purity % possibility of being made at Ravenswood. By the way, I do have sets of them for sale. On my last trip to California I shored up my dwindling supply of the blue one with green patch; that one is actually somewhat dramatic. Mostly they're ho hum....sorry! David
  21. Thought I'd Posted here but don't see it. Looks like an alien Starship to me. David
  22. Expectations! They'll kill ya unless they come from within. David
  23. My Gawd, an 'alley'gator! David
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