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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. Usually the green is darker and they appear in opaque as well as translucent. And by possibly at joemarbles.com I meant "possibly" as I hadn't even checked myself. David
  2. Regarding Fuglies go to the Fugly thread at General Marble & Glass Chat. David
  3. Possibly identified at joemarbles.com.....David
  4. There has to be one in the back pages here. Is there any sort of a program associated with this Board that allows you to selectively go to specific subjects or am I dreaming? David
  5. I'm putting in a plug for fishing plugs! I hear Griff is going to donate some. David
  6. My suspicions are that you'd all determined that my reemergence at this Board was toothless.....Not! This Fugly post has been gnawing at my craw. It has been common knowledge since time immemorial that it is really only about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2% of the marbles ever made that are worthy enough to wind up pictured in marble books and, of course, an even smaller percentage that managed to come down through the decades unscathed. Every last one of the machine-made marble manufacturers made Fugleys. So don't get so caught up in veneration of your favorite marble company; there are examples out there that would make you wonder what they were ever thinking. I think it is undisputed that we can claim Marlow Peterson and Larry Castle as the Fathers of machine-made marble knowledge. Between them they have four landmark books on machine-made marbles to their credit. They got the ball rolling! Cat's-eye marbles have been "Fuglies for the Ages!" Who should reverse that trend but none other than Marlow & Larry with their book specifically on cat's-eye marbles. You could hardly say that these guys don't know machine-made marbles. Well, Marlow since the mid-1990s has been outspoken about the beauty of Jabo marbles. Heck, he was after me time and time again to take a closer look at what was being accomplished in their special Spring & Fall Classic Runs going back to 1994. Of course, he already knew that he had completely seduced me in regards to cat's-eye marbles so he figured he had a likely new disciple in Jabo marbles. And he did! O.K. there are Jabo Fuglies; what company doesn't have them. But the crass prejudice against Jabo defies imagination. I just can't imagine how anyone after reading the 4 or 5 articles I have written re. various Jabo runs can still come to the blanket conclusion that their marbles are s--t. But that is what rears it's ugly-Fugly head time and time again. The way I look at it we're down to two marble companies that are thankfully bucking the national trend and can still say "Made in the U.S.A." They deserve all the support we can give them; they sure as heck have mine. David Chamberlain
  7. My favorite was an opaque oxblood that I bought from Brian Estepp and it had the perfect image of a whale, in fact, he sold it to me as a Whaler. I sold it as a Whaler to what's-his-name at Amana(Great Guy!) and we kid all the time about there being a full box of Akro Whalers somewhere; it just hasn't surfaced or been discovered yet. I've gotta lay that one on Roger one of these days. Wish I had a pic of the marble. David
  8. I was out in my new neighbors back yard for a while this afternoon splitting some wood for him that it appeared he had given up on. I live for this and definitely brought my maul and wedges to New Mexico. Luckly I've only been using the snow shovel at the neighborhood playground to shovel back the gravel that gradually sneaks out onto the sidewalks in the children's area. I've been told that there were only two decent snow storms here in the past 17+ years. Kinda pathetic. David
  9. I'd like to set myself up as an advisor on commission for all these deep-pocket eBay marble buyers. David
  10. I know from Delbert McClinton and Don Imus and what's-his-name in TX who ran for President. Name evades me at the moment. Don's friend! Watching Ray Price, Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson last night in "Last of the Breed." Damn inspirational. Have to say though that my guitar enthusiasm leans more towards Jimmy Page, Jack White, Jerry and such. David
  11. I'd say you scored a home run with your Louisville Slugger! David
  12. "I am no expert on this type of subject so there will be no returns." - Sellers statement. Other than the marble itself this should be sufficient warning. Why trust to anything where there isn't a Return Privilege with reasonable understanding. Amazing the discretionary money that is floating around! David
  13. Hey, look at it this way Delbert, that first "e" could have been an "i". David
  14. I suggest that you look in Bob Block's book MARBLES(Identification and Price Guide) under Micas. This will give you a running start on what you have. How the market has been of late I don't know but it appears that you have a lot going for you with this marble due to size and the distribution of mica. If it is in fact a single pontil that would be a plus. David
  15. What jive talk in the description hype. And 1/2".....what's with that! Blended thru 'n' thru. Reminds me of a time when I showed up at Amana with something I thought was a rare spectacular handmade and practically everyone was too embarrassed to tell me that I was going off half-cocked over the marble. Pity the poor soul who shows up with this one in his felt-lined marble case. David
  16. It's almost impossible for a Superman to look any more like a Superman than yours. Classic says it! David
  17. Well, "Hi Gene!" I'm assuming that's your real name. I've always found it easiest to use my own name when I'm saying anything otherwise I get confused myself and Gawd knows what it does to other people. It's always easier to stand by what you've said if you've actually said it! David
  18. "may contain......may have.......might whatever" Geezus! It either does or it doesn't. When I see limp-wristed phrases like this that should be sufficient evidence to stay clear. Just another person who doesn't know what he has and is attempting to get as much for it as he can. Pathetic. David
  19. Thanks. Although a marble enthusiast I've just never much looked at this side of the matter. Only coasted along obliviously. David
  20. I'm surprised it hasn't been touched on but what might the remedies be with an approach to this problem via Anti-Trust law and monopolistic practices? Can't stick with this today as I've an all day function I have to do some last minute preparation for and head out. David
  21. It just wouldn't be as much of a thrill for the eventual recipient of whatever it is that you are all attempting to win here to have it given to you. I think the winner should fully experience the thrill of winning rather than experiencing it vicariously through me. I actually think this makes sense! David
  22. There's times Ann when all you really can do is laugh about things. David
  23. Well, not everybody who frequented it before......David
  24. $24 would have to be a cheap price for a postcard of that stature unless the bottom has fallen out of the postcard trade. Of course, they're not 'occupational' horse-drawns but they sure are nice. David
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