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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. "Experimental" is a word I avoid. I think it's overused. Someone once posted that Akro's true experimental marbles were large -- I can't remember how large -- should look that up -- but I think it was at least 3/4". Might have been 1". He sounded like he knew what he was talking about.... naw.. just not so. experimentals start around 9/16".
  2. have a few... will dig some up later.....
  3. nope.. lol thought it would be a good thing to help with marble dreams tho.. ;-)
  4. i will!! we could all go crazy together!
  5. yeah there won't be listing happening that for sure. It's only in Tacoma Al. we usually take a few days off for this event.. and then super bowl sunday! will be a tired wreck by monday.LOL! wish you could head down to hunt with us too paul. it's a blast!
  6. Happy Year of the Horse! check out thislink, be sure to read the blog on the lower part of the page, and link to the previous years. fun stuff!! http://www.exit133.com/articles/view/monkeyshines-2014-the-year-of-the-horse
  7. these are great! HTF. they fill up quickly! always lookin for more. good score Galen! like the type set cabinets as well.(ours has 32 drawers 1/4" glass) EMK
  8. totally serious about the tin! we have, besides other collections, a fairly nice little tin collection (collecting is a sickness!) and that tin is awesome! Gnome, if you can find me that tin for 10-12 I would be amazed and grateful!!
  9. First you have to catch a Bobcat> That's good...
  10. yep a nice new blue and green one... .. sorry Galen, couldn't resist.
  11. eye lashes not green... yet, just the fingernails.
  12. I will post a picture on super bowl day for sure. I already tried washing it out... only a little successful. rofl! says it's suppose to wash right out.. with what ? lye maybe? oh well. paul you know what a crazy 12th man lives here! sorry Galen.
  13. YEAH BABY! Ok, now i don't care that the blue is not washing out of my hair. i wear with pride. :-)
  14. this was sent to me by another board member. thought it was awesome! had to share! Beast mode!
  15. Seattle~ July 16, 2014 through July 19, 2014. - with the show on July 19, 2014. reservations# 1.800.544.9863 Vegas~ October 28, 2014 through November 3, 2014. - with the show on November 1, 2014 Reserv. 702.732.9100
  16. ok I put it with a few 'friends'. ones I think everyone can relate to colors with. natural light means lots of reflections.. but I think you can get the idea...??
  17. yeah seen the mint ones too. this isn't close. i will take pictures today. :-)
  18. lol. ok. will have some fun with it..
  19. what kind of marble would you like it next to? picture was taken in natural light with flash. I'd take her outside but it's wayyy too nasty lol. ~D.
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