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Steph last won the day on February 11

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Marble Queen or King

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  1. Jabo to me. From the 1991 to 2007 period. (Not 1991, because I don't think large marbles were made that year, but that era.)
  2. I am feeling good about CAC on the blue.
  3. What a fun trip back into time. A special find. Thank you for sharing it with us. Would be neat to see his marbles also.
  4. A brick will be a swirl. See Rick's link: ANTIQUE M.F. CHRISTENSEN and Son Transitional Brick Marble -- Excellent Specimen $39.00 - PicClick Your marble is not a swirl. I agree that it has a Master look to it, or some other maker with Master-like seams. With the small size, I also agree with Melissa's assessment that it is a game marble.
  5. Not particularly. Some people successfully sell them for a few dollars. But they can also be found for pennies.
  6. Yes, first clay. I'll go with a highly damaged ball bearing on the second. Of course kids did play marbles with ball bearings, and called them steelies.
  7. My google image search is coming up with it being a Brunswick Pharmacal pill bottle. I am seeing this particular BP as eventually having been taken over by Johnson & Johnson.
  8. Gorgeous! That one blue marble feels very appreciated, let me tell you.
  9. Thanks for looking that up for us!
  10. My first thought is Jabo. More views might help.
  11. Good question. I don't know. It doesn't look very early to me. But the MarbleAlan page at Buymarbles.com is calling it a Miller Swirl. ??!! Now wondering what the Peltier book says.
  12. The Honey Onyx. It is treated as one of the holy grails of Peltiers. Someone will post a glorious multi-shaded translucent-based Peltier and will be hoping it is a honey onyx, because everyone wants to find one, right? The response will be, "No, that's not one, keep trying." Then that marble which is so much prettier than an actual honey onyx will be brushed under the rug without any of the oohing and aahing that it deserves. Here's mine. Another of the forgotten treasures I have found in my attic while searching for marbles to give away to the neighbor child. You have many many "just rainbos" which are prettier, don't you! (Yes, it is one. 11/16+. Has the expected green line, though faint. It has a frosty face, so it's only a place holder, but it is Gino-Biffany-Approved. )
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