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Steph last won the day on November 7

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Marble Queen or King

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  1. Sweet card. Ella Owen must have believed Miss Bertha to be fond of marbles. The top postmark could be from New Albany, but that doesn't match up with handwritten return address. ?
  2. That's what Special Assortment boxes were advertised as containing:
  3. A lot of Special boxes. Contents are in line with my understanding of the Akro's intention for the label, not with the current collector use of the name.
  4. The right middle would be one to look more closely at the cutlines on to see if it leans Master instead of Akro.
  5. Perfect post for explaining helmets to new collectors!
  6. Steph

    Cats eye

    So ... vintage possibilities ... I wasn't thinking that direction. A puzzle. I guess I'm still considering MK but also considering Akro now rather than foreign. If you find out somewhere else, please share.
  7. Not familiar with that. Very uneducated palate as far as peppers are concerned. Will be on the lookout for an opportunity to try.
  8. We will give the beautiful lamps their own topic.
  9. Steph

    Cats eye

    ^^ what they said. I'm leaning MK. Experimental cat? But with foreign tuggings. Where did you get it?
  10. Last week I made my first chili mix from scratch. Homemade Chili Seasoning - Budget Bytes I used fresh garden tomatoes, onion, bell peppers, my last two cans of beans from the pantry (can't remember what they were), and this seasoning which I had finally gotten the last ingredient for. Was interesting. A little strong but maybe I just used too much of it. Will be fun to play with it. No meat, but not because I'm a vegetarian. I just didn't have any meat and didn't want to shop, yet I needed something to do with my final tomato harvest.
  11. My last marble game was in 6th grade. My backyard neighbor expressed interest in playing but we didn't follow up. Yet. I'm gathering up marbles that look nice but I wouldn't mind busting up. A challenge!
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