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Everything posted by Steph

  1. omg ... I hadn't seen that one. How sad.
  2. Keeperthread! lol ... that's what I type in a thread when I want to be able to search for it later so that I can put it in the archives.
  3. "Common" would indicate clay. Various American companies made clays. I don't know if I've seen a list compiled. Maybe someone else can help with that ... or maybe I can do a little digging and get or make one. So ... who in 1898 would have been making clays ... the question for the day. As to the German glass ones, there some are some known company names but it was a cottage industry also, so lots and lots of unincorporated people could be responsible for the latticinios and onionskins we love. Here ya go ... I remembered the name Sam Dyke ... in 1898 it could have been one of his companies making the common clays. In particular, it could have been The American Marble & Toy Manufacturing Company of Akron, Ohio. http://www.americantoymarbles.com/akronhist.htm
  4. Interesting. I wasn't familiar with a Pal Bottling promo. I look online and see some bags with four or five marbles. And the marbles in those bags are Alleys from the 1940's. I post one below. The label style is appropriate for marbles which would have been made in the 1940's and distributed in the 1940's or early 1950's. The marbles you are showing do look like Jabos and the label looks close to the labels on the packages with clearly vintage marbles ... but it has a distinct difference. I strongly suspect reproduction on the bag you show. Or maybe a label which Champion was using but then it was sold as surplus and filled with modern marbles. That happened a lot in the 1990's, I believe.
  5. Did you test them with a magnet?
  6. warped rubber-like balls? what size? are they heavy?
  7. Pretty! A nice way to start the week.
  8. Glad you bumped this. I missed it the first time around. A marble could be more than a penny. This is a Butler Bros. ad from 1898. I don't know if it's wholesale or retail. The print is small and faint but starting down with the spangles, it looks like the per marble price starts to be 2 cents or more. Last I hear, the spangles are what we call onionskins.
  9. Thank you for letting us know. Warm thoughts for his family and friends.
  10. *checks to see how I did* I did good! Except I missed the Jabo.
  11. Alley on the bottom. Handmade on the top, but I wouldn't know how to guess by whom. Any identifying marks on that one? In the upper row of four, #2 is a Peltier Rainbo. Maybe Jabo on left and right? If that left one is in the 5/8" range then that's a rather busy pattern for a Jabo that small if it is a classic, but I don't have any other guess. #3 has some nice bright white, which makes me think it's vintage but no guess for maker. On the bottom row of four, maybe Vitro Whitie on #2. Maybe a Pelt patch on the right. I kept trying to say Vitro but my mind couldn't settle on that, and then it occurred to me that it had a good chance of being Pelt.
  12. Nice. Left to right ... Top row: #1. colors look Akro or Christensen to me, #2. WV swirl -- I'll guess Ravenswood, #3. Akro Popeye, #4. I'm leaning Vitro 2nd row: #1. Vitro Tri-lite, #2. Akro Prizename, #3. Peltier Multicolor Rainbo, #4. Peltier Spiderman 3rd row: #1. I am wondering if it could be Christensen, but I do not know at all, #2. Alley flame, #3. I'm torn between Marble King and Peltier, #4. Peltier John Deere Bottom marble: Peltier Rainbo -- I was going to say Sunset family, but it might be earlier than the typical Sunset, and might have a different name. (Might be NLR era, like your Superman, John Deere and multicolor Rainbo.)
  13. I always look for cross-through cat's eyes ... but those are still relatively common. In the cat's eye category, the Vitros with 8 vanes appear to be considered special.
  14. I cannot tell if that is a pontil or other early marble feature, or where a machine-made marble got hung up on the machinery.
  15. I wanted to say Akro on #1 as a two color patch with long seams. But the white underneath is holding me back. I think Akro or Vitro. #2. West Virginia swirl. I should know which company but I don't. Maybe one of the swirl specialists will be by. #3. Alley #4. I think Jabo #5. Vacor de Mexico #6. Modern Asian, aka Imperial #7. Looks a little like #4, so maybe I should be thinking Jabo again, but I'm leaning WV swirl here.
  16. I'm between WV Swirl and wacky cork.
  17. oolala! A lot of sweet Akros. The middle column is Lemonades. The column to the left has what I think they call Cherry-ades. (If the one on top is a patch, not a swirl or cork, then stick with Moss Agate.) You have one Limeade in the column to the right of the Lemonades. I think on the top of that column could be an Onyx corkscrew. The bottom two may be called Lemonade Oxbloods. The third marble up in that column is a Peltier (maybe called a Dragon). The fourth marble up is an Akro, but I'm not seeing it closely enough to take a shot at a name. The reason I'm fuzzy on names like Cherry-ade is because to me those are all Moss Agates (because I think that's what Akro called them) and I just can't seem to get the collector's names to stay in my head for any of the ades other than the regular lemonades and limeades.
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