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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    I agree on Jabo.
  2. Steph

    Id req

    I also have a Ravenswood with a somewhat similar brown ribbon but I think the color looks more like my Alley.
  3. Steph

    Id req

    I have an Alley with a similar colored brown ribbon.
  4. Steph

    Id req

    I see your dilemma. Size? If 5/8, then I'll lean toward WV swirl.
  5. To me this one looks like an Asian cat's eye. Maybe more pix would make me change my mind.
  6. Hi ... yes, I think modern. I think Vacor Octopus. From this century. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=39
  7. Could have seams. The last picture might be showing "cold rolls" though. Where the glass was just a little bit too cool for the rollers to smooth it out. It might have been made as a "clearie". Lots of companies made clearies which are transparent to be one color but sometimes you can see different colors if you look really close. With swirls inside it might be a Champion Agate.
  8. Steph


    Cat's eyes may have been introduced in Japan in the late 1940's. (It's possible they were introduced earlier than that by Vacor de Mexico but we're not certain about that history and they don't appear to have had more than local circulation if they even existed.) They (edit: the Japanese ones) became serious competition in the American market in the 1950's. That's when American companies came out with their own versions. Since this is happening pre-1970 those early cat's eyes are considered vintage. The earliest Japanese cat's eyes had clear glass. (Possibly with a slight peach tint, I have found.) Nice glass. And American cat's eyes had nice clear base glass. The Asian cat's eye glass started getting cheaper and they took on a bottle green or gray tint as time went on. Then in this century, Vacor came out with crystal clear bases for their cat's eyes ... very pleasant to look at ... but that complicates the dating process.
  9. Steph


    lol ... now I"m trying to find a picture of a weather vane with blades ... and I'm not having much luck ... so ignore that part! lol But they're "vanes".
  10. Steph


    Those are "vanes". Like the blades on a weather vane. The earliest cats eyes had wider vanes making it more obvious why the name was chosen.
  11. Pretty sure modern on this one. Maybe a Vacor Orca: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=43
  12. Steph


    I think you have a Master. Maybe 1940's or 1950's.
  13. Steph

    Old vs new

    Left: Vitro Conqueror. 1940's. Right Vitro Tri-Lite. 1930's. Middle: not sure. From here is is showing modern Jabo properties. More views could help.
  14. I think modern. Not sure but I'm getting a Jabo feel from these.
  15. Steph


    Those are cat's eyes. Those are machinemade. The marks you might be thinking of as "pontils" are seams. Places where mechanical shears cut the hot glass off.
  16. Steph


    Hi. I think you have an Akro corkscrew there. Other views might change my mind but that's what I'm going with for now. People might come up with photography suggestions along the way. But for now those pictures look clear enough. They look sort of like the same angle though. Not what I'd think of as the "top" or "bottom" of the marble. If that's a cork, then the white ribbon starts at the "top" and wraps its way around to the "bottom". Is that what you're seeing on your end?
  17. Not a Cub Scout or Angel. The cub scout and angel would be a little older than your marble. Here's an old Marblealan picture I have of a Cub Scout. It's a National Line Rainbo whereas yours is a later Rainbo. In addition to a somewhat different structure from the Rainbo, it has an opaque blue base. The blue angel would have both yellow and blue ribbons on a custard-colored base. See if this link works. I can't post the picture straight in: https://marbleconnection.com/gallery/image/4854-the-angels/
  18. Hi! Welcome. And you're right. A Peltier Rainbo.
  19. 1930 give or take for both the blue galaxies and the multicolor swirls.
  20. mmmm ... The middle is a Vitro Agate. A "blackline All-Red". First thought on the right is "West Virginia Swirl". More views might make it seem more slag-like. I think you have a Vitro Blue Devil on the left. Which is a keeper.
  21. Hi Wes. For some reason I"m not seeing the pictures.
  22. That's a good possibility. It's a handgathered slag. More than one company did handgathering so in theory it could be someone else but MFC is a strong possibility.
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