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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Transparent swirls are really hard to pin down to any maker. The icing-like white might point to foreign though.
  2. I never knew that about ventilation problems giving seediness or gas pockets.
  3. Steph

    ID request

    Miller swirl is sort of a dicey category. Luckily, these happen to be Peltier Multicolor Rainbos. (Some might call them Multicolor Swirls.) They are from the 1930's. At least the left and bottom one are. I think probably the right one also but another view could nail it down.
  4. Steph

    Id request2

    Master did make cats. Some banana-type. Some less defined. Here are some Master cats which @ManofKent posted.
  5. Steph

    Id request2

    With that bottle-green glass, I think it might be foreign. Maybe an older foreign. So, Master or foreign.
  6. Steph

    Id request

    Vacors I think a nonswirly version of these: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=56
  7. Ron popped in and then popped out.
  8. Steph

    Id help

    Another of those fence sitters. With all that white you kinda wanna say slag, but it sorta also has a transparent swirl look. Aargh.
  9. Steph

    ID request

    I'd say Alley for both.
  10. Assuming the realistic looking boy is a later version, that's not the only time that they had essentially the same graphics, but updated the style.
  11. I don't know ... but I'll add "orange slag?" to your title to try to attract attention.
  12. Bottom left. No wait, bottom right. Final answer!
  13. Seagram's. Turn it inside out.
  14. So, I think it was officially released in 2017. But definitely in production for longer. Teaser from 4 years ago: https://vimeo.com/83400438 Fundraising video from 4 years ago: https://vimeo.com/82751262 Need a copy! Have sent them a message on facebook to ask how to get one.
  15. All The Marbles is more than ten years old, but thanks to winning a 2017 award, it qualified for the 2018 Academy Awards. [Edit: I _thought_ it was an older movie, but I might be getting confused. Maybe it just took a long time to produce? All I know is I need a copy.] They'll be at the Salute Your Shorts festival in August and at the Burbank film festival in September. http://allthemarblesmovie.com/ https://blogcritics.org/film-review-marbles-looking-oscar/
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