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Everything posted by Steph

  1. It's modern. At that size my first thought is Vacor. With that structure, I suppose it's possible that it's Marble King.
  2. Part of me thought of Vitro. But I think I'm seeing a Pelt flip-flop. Vancecrash, what we need to see is the seams, to be able to count how many ribbons there are, and how they join up to each other. Note to self: replace seam tutorial that I accidentally deleted.
  3. West Virginia Swirl. Specifically, I believe that the West Virginia company which made this one was Alley. Even if WV swirls have turkey-like shapes, we usually save that description for Christensen Agates.
  4. Some Peltier Rainbos, Vitro Cat's Eyes, West Virginia Swirls, maybe some other Vitros, some Marble Kings. A lot of vintage. Some modern. Most American. Some foreign. I think these are commons.. So I wouldn't pay much for them. The boulder sized ones with green stripes are the most interesting to me. If they are Peltier Rainbos then that's cool. You don't see a lot of large Rainbos.
  5. another wild one .... straight from the savannah
  6. The larger blue one and the orange ones look like Veiligglas wirepulls from Amsterdam. The smaller blue one might turn out to be a Master and the smaller whitish one might turn out to be a Master or a Vitro cat's eye. The yellow seems like it could turn out to be a newer Vacor. Or a Veiligglas wirepull. But could be something else. Pictures still a little fuzzy.
  7. Hi. Not seeing exactly the views I expect ... but I think this will turn out to be a Peltier Rainbo. Circa 1930's to 1960's.
  8. Steph

    Id help

    Yeah ... that's fun. I like when you think you have an ordinary clearie and then you find you have a balloon of one color inside a shell of a different color. (And I like using blacklight to reveal structure to help me guess the maker of the clearies.)
  9. Steph

    Id help

    Those boulders are pretty!
  10. Steph

    Id help

    If older, I'm wondering if it could be Japanese.
  11. Steph

    Id help

    That's a good guess. With the texture I could see it being older. I don't think I"m seeing the cutlines clearly.
  12. Steph

    Id help

    I don't remember seeing that much. I'm leaning Master. because of the shape of the patch. 5/8"?
  13. You pretty much nailed my thought process on that, Joe.
  14. Vitro Tiger Eye Fun find. Remnants of a 1950's marble game, maybe.
  15. I will see if I can find something .... but it could be a bit .... am headed out to a picnic. Maybe someone else can find pictures in their records before I am able to.
  16. I'm not sure it can be found. If it is the one I am thinking of it was so radioactive that we had to send it to Chernobyl.
  17. I gotta remember to put this thread in the archives someday when it winds down. keeperthread
  18. It is possible that MFC created it. The one that I thought might have been different -- I think that one may have been from Europe. So maybe there was a 20th century American standard and maybe a different one for Europe in the 19th or early 20th century. This is just a fuzzy half-memory so pretend I didn't say anything about that.
  19. M.F. Christensen went from size 0 to size 10. I'm not currently seeing confirmation about what that meant in inches. From an MFC booklet.
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