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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The three at the bottom look like Akro corks. Top right might turn out to be a Peltier Rainbo. I think I see a couple of patches. Most are West Virginia swirls.
  2. colors look Vitro. I'm not getting a handle on the structure yet though.
  3. What do you see when you put a strong light behind the black one? How dense is the base? Does it have any fire inside?
  4. Oh yeah, I'd give that if I found a lot like that.
  5. Not as hot ... getting some nice, needed rain ... but still recovering from yesterday
  6. The black might be a Peltier. Maybe an Acme Realer. What does the black one look like backlit? And does the black have any aventurine? (Fine to discuss price.)
  7. I will save this to my "marble innards" folder.
  8. this was new to me .... I'm in love
  9. Too hot to think ...... .... because if I were thinking I would have realized before now that I could move the box fan into the computer room and then it might not be too hot to think!
  10. That particular ceramic marble is known as a bennington. Made in Germany in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Once thought to have been made in the U.S. at the Bennington pottery factory. Now we know different but the name stuck.
  11. I'm not sure I see Peltier slags. Definitely see slags, some handgathered. Just not recognize a Peltier pattern. There are some Akros. I think I see some Christensen Agate. That big blue and yellow could be a Peltier. A few cat's eyes -- Asian and maybe one Peltier. A solid vintage lot. Some could be from before 1910. A number from the 1930's. Too bad about the condition. Darn ball bearings.
  12. gi-fricking-normous
  13. I don't remember ever hearing that before.
  14. Congrats! I do like the swirl in the middle, the one you posted in the ID forum. The green, brown and yellow one might turn out to be one which Vitro collectors are fond of. The Vitro Black-Eyed Pea. But don't quote me on that. Need confirmation.
  15. I think that's an Alley Agate. From the 30's or 40's.
  16. Steph

    Akro Heaven

    Glad you enjoyed! Yikes. Those are photobucket links, from before photobucket went nuts. I need to change those.
  17. Sounds like the Decorah cameras are nearing the time when they will be turned off for the season. The kids may stay around for another couple of months learning how to be eagles but there's less and less to be seen in camera range. Still we got a nice view of Mom and two of the kids looking out over Trout Creek this morning. The father disappeared this spring. He was around 21 years old, which is old for an eagle. But he wasn't showing signs of ill health. He simply vanished without warning. There's another male who has been staying near the family nest without getting too close The Decorah website says courting generally happens around October. So we hope there will be a new eagle family soon but it is not certain.
  18. I'll have to leave that question to someone else. I think hard-ish. Craig, are you around? @spara50
  19. This is the only picture I'm finding right now. Used to have others. Another branded marble from over there is Ajax. These belong to @StéphaneFrance
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