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Everything posted by Steph

  1. They do represent measurements. I think most companies used those measurements. But for some reason I have been under the impression that one company didn't -- maybe an older company before the measurements were standardized. This is from an Akro salesman case: 000 is 1/2" 00 is 1/6" 0 is 5/8" And I just figured out how to remember the rest 1 is 11/16", 2 is 12/16", 4 is 14/16", up to 6 which is 16/16".
  2. I don't have a guess for that big 'un, but it sure is a screamer. I spent hours sorting out UV marbles. I'd take the brightest ones out. Then my eyes would readjust and I'd see a new group of glowers. So I'd take them out. Then with those gone some others would stand out. And so on. I got down to a level where the glow was rather subtle, but I was also getting a lot of colors. I had a popeye with four colors of glow.
  3. I think Akro corks on left and right. On the middle my first thought was Alley. But I would look at it really closely to see if it could possibly have a Pelt structure behind all that swirliness.
  4. Cool. I can't argue with any of them. Probably all handgathered. If any turn out not to be, I think you'll figure out on your own that it's out of place since you seem to have a pretty good feel for them. The bottom middle could be an example of a handgathered Akro. A cleaner tighter 9 generally points to MFC. A somewhat sloppier 9 can point toward Akro.
  5. I'd have them all in with the Vitros. Akro and Marble King both made marbles which could be confused with Vitro All-Reds, but gonna assume Vitro here.
  6. Generally would be identified as M.F. Christensen, rather than just Christensen. M.F. Christensen came first, then Christensen Agate. Not related except I that that the 2nd company picked the name because it was a famous marble name. M.F. Christensen is best known for their handgathered slags with the 9 and tails. On the other hand, Christensen Agate did have some handgathered marbles, presumably including slags. Akro also had handgathered slags. Peltier did too. Not sure who would know how to sort through all of them. Long story short: Good chance of MFC on many handgathered slags. Some possibility of other makers. I would start a "handgathered slag" section and show them off without worrying too much about if they are all MFC. NOW ... to your specific marbles. Top row all look handgathered. One the middle row, I'd like to turn over the left one and middle one to see if we really have 9 and tail action there. On the bottom row, I'd like to see more of the tail on the middle one. Finally ... on the bottom right ... I'd like to see more of that one for a different reason -- to see if it could be a cork or a transitional.
  7. My first thought was Jabo but I don't have any good reason to back that up with such a busy marble at such a small size. If a WV swirl, I obviously have no guess for which WV company. With that shade and texture of green, I kinda like Al's idea of twisted rainbo. If I had it in hand, I'd be trying hard to see if it's one ribbon spooling around or if it's several distinct ribbons like a rainbo would have.
  8. Does some of the color go from seam 1 to seam 2 .... and some go from seam 1 back to seam 1? That's what the pictures are looking like to me at the moment ... and that is very strange.
  9. Not slag. Not Christensen Agate (which is the usual company one things of with turkey heads). The shape of the red ribbon together with the slightly translucent base glass is making me think Alley. On the other hand, Cairo Novelty is known for hairpin hooks on one side and little pattern on the other side. So I'll stay West Virginia swirl and leave it at that.
  10. Steph

    Id help

    I'm pretty sure I'm seeing signs that it was hand-faceted. (Held by hand against the grinding surface instead of going through a more automated process.)
  11. I think it's a true hybrid popeye.
  12. Someone reminded me of a pretty busy one I keep forgetting I have, which might be a pistachio ... I need to find that.
  13. I can't remember what explanation we've been given for that iridescent finish.
  14. Maybe a couple of Akro corks. Maybe more than a couple Peltier Rainbos. And a lot of West Virginia swirls. The light blue one on the left near the bottom ... what's going on twith that ? And the one with purple on the right?
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