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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This isn't an easy match to the usual makers. My first guess is that it was made on a Peltier Rainbo machine. Buttttt ... the bright yellow, with the yellow mostly on one side? And the seedy glass? Let's see what others have to say.
  2. Marble King. A more clear patch and ribbon. The classic patch and ribbon has that pair of ribbons lining up to make a circle around the middle. And that's what you have here. "Patch" on the end. "Ribbon" around the middle. (Marbles without the connecting ring around the middle are still allowed to be called patch and ribbon, but the ring around the middle is the ideal.)
  3. I'm going to give a softer "yes" to that. Someone else might quibble -- might recognize them from a different era -- but I'm saying yes.
  4. Cool! Love it! I wouldn't have guessed Mexico on the marbles so that's interesting in its own right. But that package is great.
  5. Steph

    ID Help

    Hi. Welcome. I think you have yourself some Alley Agates. Probably from the 1940's. http://joemarbles.com/1Marble Picture Pages/26Marble Pictures Home Page.htm Mr. Lawrence Alley didn't put his name on his marbles.
  6. I don't think all Jabo. Really only that bottom one looks Jabo to me. Top right and bottom left definitely look like 1930's marbles to me. And top left still looks Vitro ... and maybe 1930's ... I'm just not getting as strong of a vibe from it. Sometimes new marbles and old marbles get mixed in together. It can help to know who they were found with, but that's no guarantee of having the same maker.
  7. End of August, I think ....
  8. I think your bottom right is a Jabo. Here are some of my helmets. A couple of non-helmets slipped into my group, too. (2nd from right on top two rows -- neither one of those would go into the next picture. Ooops.) But it's a start.
  9. Have you seen Tish's orange latt with the blue ribbons? I got to see it on facebook today.
  10. Steph

    Id help

    I think this goes in the vintage side. But other than that?
  11. I don't know why I said "silent 'e'". That doesn't make sense at all. Don't know what I was thinking. Probably I meant silent 's'. But who knows. Ha! let me know when you find out. s'Sincerely, s'Steph
  12. Oh no! Sorry about your basement. Not good. That's neat that each person could bring a module and the team can assemble it and -- voila! -- a marble run. Yes, probably a good idea for me considering my space available.
  13. Mmmm, fresh baked bread. What kind?
  14. Steph

    Id help

    Very nice ribbon action. Alley? Veiligglas? What kind did it come with?
  15. Steph

    Id help

    I'm leaning toward Vacor.
  16. Steph

    Id help

    Supposedly the clear glass on older sulphides glows a little under blacklight and on modern ones it doesn't.
  17. Steph

    Id help

    You have many cat's eyes. They are common. The angel figure is called a sulphide. It is the most interesting marble. Do you have a blacklight? A blacklight can help determine if it is an older marble or a newer marble.
  18. Good question. Suddenly I can't remember seeing a 3/4" popeye.
  19. Steph

    Id help

    The texture makes me think it could be foreign.
  20. smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo don't tell me I've nothin' to dooooooooo ♪ ♫
  21. "Patch" is a pretty safe descriptor.
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