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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi, Blake. Welcome. That's a nice mix. Including a nice bunch of my personal favorite -- bumblebees.
  2. Steph


    If it has a Master structure, maybe yours is a Cloudy. Can you see cutlines on it?
  3. Steph


    Yes, it changes color when backlit. That "fire" inside is an important part of being an Akro moonie.
  4. Steph

    vitro id ?

    I can't argue with that.
  5. Love it! I feel the inspiration bubbling up .... just letting it simmer for a bit.
  6. This was Bill Tow's moss agate avatar.
  7. The left looks like a swirl which got a weird turn to it. Is the right oxblood? Is that a brick?
  8. Spiderman on blue and red Peerless patch on the right. Some Zebras. I think that dark green base with the white ribbons is a Rainbo, but it might have another name. I think the whites with six blue ribbons are considered Rainbos. I'm not aware of ever hearing another name for them.
  9. For me that feeling of finding my first for sure corkscrew in a mixed batch after wondering over and over and over if I had one, but they all were Jabos -- no offense to Jabos -- I just wanted a corkscrew so much. What was your early marble collector moment of wonder?
  10. The Alley cut ... I think I see it . Sweet bump!
  11. The blue is a cat's eye. I can't tell if it would be Vitro or Marble King. On the top one, the color striations are making me think of Master. However, the seam shape is making me question that. Maybe a look at the opposite seam will help. I think the middle will turn out to be Vitro -- but other views could help.
  12. Middle might be a Marble King cat's eye. (Much easier to tell if we have a head on look at the vanes -- from the angle where we can see them making an X.) I think maybe Master cat's eye on the bottom. Is that solid green on top? if so that's usually what we call a "game marble".
  13. That is beautiful. Do you have a before shot? Did you stretch and form it?
  14. Steph

    I am 5/8

    Right now I'm leaning toward Vitro cat's eye.
  15. Yes, #3 is a Bennington. #4 is a Peltier.
  16. cat's eyes. The middle one might be a Master cat's eye.
  17. He made off with some good ones, eh? How fun.
  18. Yes ..... I'm stalling ..... posting a picture of the mess instead of cleaning it! Well, off I go to my mountain ..... no, really ..... I'm going, I'm going .....
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