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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The blue is a cat's eye. I can't tell if it would be Vitro or Marble King. On the top one, the color striations are making me think of Master. However, the seam shape is making me question that. Maybe a look at the opposite seam will help. I think the middle will turn out to be Vitro -- but other views could help.
  2. Middle might be a Marble King cat's eye. (Much easier to tell if we have a head on look at the vanes -- from the angle where we can see them making an X.) I think maybe Master cat's eye on the bottom. Is that solid green on top? if so that's usually what we call a "game marble".
  3. That is beautiful. Do you have a before shot? Did you stretch and form it?
  4. Steph

    I am 5/8

    Right now I'm leaning toward Vitro cat's eye.
  5. Yes, #3 is a Bennington. #4 is a Peltier.
  6. cat's eyes. The middle one might be a Master cat's eye.
  7. He made off with some good ones, eh? How fun.
  8. Yes ..... I'm stalling ..... posting a picture of the mess instead of cleaning it! Well, off I go to my mountain ..... no, really ..... I'm going, I'm going .....
  9. I knew I had a copy of it. A black and white photocopy. I had forgotten that I had finally been able to buy the actual book from Chris Cooper. But there it was ... at the top of this mountain which I decided to tackle today. Gosh, what a wonderland my messy house is. When I finally get it all sorted into the proper place, who knows what treasures I'll have.
  10. Steph

    Id help

    That's what I was looking at. I was seeing it as possibly kin to an Akro Leopard. But I was by no means certain.
  11. Hi. The bottom pair are Marble King Bumblebees. From around 1955 to 1965. Are the red ones all glass? What size are they? More views could be needed to know if they have a chance of being something other than "game marbles". (Lots of companies made game marbles, over many years, so we are only able to identify a small percentage of them.)
  12. Thanks, Ron. Somehow I had gotten the idea that peewee would make it more likely to be Alley.
  13. Steph

    Id help

    Akro sounds good to me also.
  14. I wanna say Alley. But wait for one of the Alley guys .....
  15. Yeah, I wouldn't argue against the first ones being Master. Even though I'd call most of the patches Akro. Basically I wouldn't argue about 'em. If someone else wants to argue, I'll watch. Lovin' all the peewees.
  16. Yeah ... that was the word ... that Master didn't make peewees. I still don't have evidence that they made 'em on purpose, but they don't seem to be the mythological creature that I once thought they were.
  17. You think that's it? I wasn't sure at all about that. They're not all that old.
  18. Hello. I think of you whenever I have a bead question.
  19. OOoooh, that big red white and blue looks like candy
  20. Not cosmic rainbow, huh? That yellow stripe doesn't really look like c.r. to me, but I had to mention it to get it out of the way.
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