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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Slag ID

    Thanks, Al. (I'm really shaken on my slag identifying ability. )
  2. Someone'll surely be by soon to straighten me out ....... *hint hint hint*
  3. Here is a box of Honey Onyx which Lloyd sold. How widely did Honey Onyx differ? Tonight I saw a translucent based marble which I really wanted to turn out to be a found-in-the-wild Honey Onyx, but I didn't want to give the owner too much hope about it being one of that elusive type.
  4. A couple of those on the left do look intriguingly small.
  5. The U-shape of the curve says Jabo might be a possibility here. I just don't recognize the colors right off. Someone else such as @Nantucketdink might.
  6. Jabo Classics. From between 1991 and 2007.
  7. There are these .... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/7087-marbles-from-south-america/
  8. Steph

    2 mib ID's

    That's beautiful. Not helping me ID it. But it's beautiful. Is this a white patch on one side and a blue on the other? Or all blue? I could be making this too difficult. Could be a Vitro Conqueror.
  9. Steph


    Jabo makes sense. Unusual interior though. Very attractive.
  10. To me this looks like a more modern marble than what we call eggyolk and oxblood. (I'm not sure you have oxblood -- but I can't swear you don't.) Here's an example of an eggyolk and oxblood -- pretty sure Akro in this shot: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/23022-oxbloods-show-me-some-please/?do=findComment&comment=207033 And here's an even older style -- from Germany: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/23022-oxbloods-show-me-some-please/?do=findComment&comment=207084
  11. Steph


    Hi. Welcome. Those look like somewhat later swirls. Champion is a possibility.
  12. Steph

    2 mib ID's

    Can we get different lighting on the blue? Maybe a flash photo or an underwater photo? I don't think I have a chance on the green. Some kinda error cat, I guess?? It's gorgeous. I'm leaning Pelt because it was with other pelts, but ???
  13. Wow! With the big size and the tunnel patterns on that one seam, my best guess is European. That's a wild one.
  14. Steph

    Mib ID

    Could be .... Not one I'll be able to help narrow down.
  15. Without seeing pictures, three-vane would usually mean Asian. I'm not seeing slags -- I think transparent swirls. Blue and green clear? (Oh the pair posted in the ID section?)
  16. At one inch, without having more hints, my best guess is a Master clearie. What does it look like under blacklight? Can you see hints of Master structure inside?
  17. Wow. Wouldn't that be something to find out in the middle of nowhere? ... or even in someone's house.
  18. We used to think Champion. I'm pretty sure we have moved these over into Alley.
  19. My other SOS came in. Chuck B. doesn't recognize it as Vitro. He thinks maybe foreign.
  20. That'll put a smile on your face. That bright green has some flare.
  21. What is happening in picture #3? A cutline? A cold roll? Your corkscrew thought keeps me going back to transitional, but don't know how to reconcile the first picture with that. Sorry, I'm no help. Hopefully someone else will be more help.
  22. Steph

    Red. Slag

    This one is looking more slaggy. Still not sure. Might benefit from pulling the camera back a little from the marble.
  23. Top view made me think of Alley. Third view made me think of a Japanese transitional. So, is it random swirly as picture 1 suggests or is there more of a 9 and tail structure that I'm not picking up clearly?
  24. Steph

    5/8 mib

    I'll leave this post since it gives us the size of the marble in the other thread in case anyone is curious about that.
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