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Everything posted by Steph

  1. the blue and yellow is pretty bold. My inner 1932 eight-year-old boy likes that one.
  2. Just my speed .... Love old radio
  3. I seem to recall that I had a Jim Davis marble with an animal inside ... when I first started collecting .... do I have that right? .... did he make those? .... and I sold it. Wish I hadn't done that!
  4. Oh yes, who had it at the handgathered stage of their operations?
  5. ?? I'm pretty sure not MFC. Do I have that much right? But who did?
  6. Yeah .... size would have stopped me from guessing Champ on yours, Krystal. And as you note, "Old Fashions" aren't that old. I don't know anyone would think that an older Champion. .
  7. Neat. I hope they're very popular! Need more knikkers!
  8. Sad @cheese's lost pictures.
  9. Hi. Welcome. The others could be some kind of industrial marble where they don't worry about creases. Or it could be decorative since they're otherwise nice looking.
  10. Hi Stice. Oh yes, it's surprising how much there is to know about marbles. Some people see a generic little glass toy. Some people see a whole chapter of history.
  11. I'll say West Virginia Swirl then. With an interesting effect
  12. Steph

    Help please

    Might be as early as the 60's. And could be as late as 1990. I think odds are the 80's .
  13. Waves of ice running along our beach ... low clouds in the not to distant distance The next town down the way a little sun
  14. ???? Jabo? Not sure. Interesting how the marble seems to have some folds in it but the blue stayed on that one side. Did it come with an older group or a newer one?
  15. I think you're on track with the first one. Looks Akro. What we would call a "lazy cork". Strongly leaning Vitro on the second.
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