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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Two ribbons? Are you able to make out the cutlines?
  2. Steph

    Mib ID

    I agree with Vacor.
  3. I've seen major peltheads be certain that modern marble kings were pelt. This one messed with some heads.
  4. Hi there, my French Facebook friend! Welcome. I love hearing about the marbles you find in your part of the world.
  5. We stayed at around 6 inches while the rest of the country got dumped on. Then got up to about 40 with gentle rain and was able to see most of our yard. Just a little snow left. Now this. This is from overnight and it's still coming. Don't think it's supposed to let up until tomorrow.
  6. Steph

    Looks pelty

    Top picture is a cutline, yes? What does the other cutline look like?
  7. Steph

    Looks pelty

    my first thought is Master
  8. Steph


    seems a good guess
  9. You got some wonderful coverage. I'm glad to see how well-received the exhibit was.
  10. Steph

    Cats eye ID

    For the big ones I'm inclined to say Marble King. For smaller ... I'd have a hard time deciding between MK and Bogard.
  11. Do we have pix of the innards of milkies?
  12. Good morning. I remember back when I never thought about milkies being Alley, and we did see some with diving oxblood ribbons ... I remember this in the context of discussions were people would ask us to judge from photographs if they had oxblood, and it was difficult when the ribbon dived, because the way the light played with the clear glass over the ribbon sometimes made the ox look like light was passing through it. Which stopped people from wanting to ID it as ox. But now I don't remember anything about the ribbons other than that sometimes they submerged.
  13. Sooooo .... what did they look like before that?
  14. The 1980's stuff looks fairly modern. The Galaxies were from the 1980's. Two other names from the 1980s were Meteors and Corsairs ... I was just reminded from a bag Galen posted way back when.
  15. In the pair above that is a considerable contrast, in both the color and the ribbon ends. And from your end you're seeing some of the color as more on the surface and some deeper in? Third in on this collage?
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