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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Mix of old and new. Is that a blue and brown mix in the patch on the first one?
  2. Hi Ken. Glad to have you. Looking forward to seeing your marbles.
  3. Steph


    Akro seams are typically longer and straighter.
  4. Steph


    I'm going with Imperial here.
  5. Well, I wasn't sure on the first one, but I'm not a CAC person so I didn't want to cast doubt without reason.
  6. What does it look like backlit?
  7. Steph


    I'm just not getting a handle on whether we're looking at a bunch of Jabos or maybe a bunch of Champs, so I will wait for someone else to chime in on this and the other threads.
  8. yeah, having a bunch ups the odds of them being Jabo ... I just don't recognize them
  9. I could be wrong to say "coral". @jeeperman could have been all ready to comment but then had to hold back because he didn't want to hurt my feelings after I got that wrong. So, I'd be guessing it's a Ravenswood, and maybe the closest they come to a coral, so we have sometimes called it a coral. But the ones we most commonly have called corals were thought to be Champion and then they became Alley, and I don't know if the one we called Ravenswood stayed Ravenswood or not.
  10. Type 4. Unless the type numbers have changed since I learn them. Type 1 through 3 have a clear base. 4 is opaque. http://www.joemarbles.com/3Marble Articles/Chuck Brandstetter/What is a Vitro Tiger Eye.htm
  11. In the past aventurine was sometimes a byproduct of making green glass. For the special runs they didn't didn't mix the colors in batches as was done in the past. They used pre-made specialty art glass. Some of what they call aventurine is mica in green glass. So that's a different subject. Lutz is the the golden looking part of the glass. But that's really copper. The Jabo special runs used it to make oxblood. And maybe non-mica aventurine is also used to make oxblood ... but I can't remember now. It's all starting to blur. Sometimes I think I know this stuff ... but I always want someone else to come in and proofread my post when we start getting into the technical matters.
  12. oh, man, she's in deep already! Throw her a lifesaver!
  13. What a great effect .... don't know if I have a favorite Vitro. I had some I wish I hadn't sold! Will have to think on this. (edit to add -- I wouldn't call that a cage style .... but I don't know what I would call it .... sure don't want to sidetrack the thread with that topic)
  14. Without a pic, could be a 1960's version of the Tiger Eye .... or could be a later nameless Gladding Vitro marble.
  15. The coral and the baby blues stand out to me.
  16. Beauties. That should help feel the hole left by your lost ox.
  17. It's beautiful. Guess it's gotta be in that general family. I don't recognize the run.
  18. 38 degrees ... oh that feels so good after the last couple of weeks.
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