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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I did a search for gerbil marbles .... ... and this came up .....
  2. So, I guess you want more than "WV Swirls" as the ID, eh? The bottom right one is an Alley Agate. The top one could be Alley or Ravenswood. I think Alley on the left one. The top right one ... well, I'm not sure that's a "swirl". It might be a slag or something else. More pix of that one might help.
  3. When I go to your gallery and see your image, it's sorta small ... so I look for the "other sizes" option. Then I go to the largest version. Then I right click on that one and "copy image address". Then I paste the address into the post and it automatically turns into a picture.
  4. Looking kinda hard to see the end in one of the pictures, but I think I can make it out. And it's pretty clear in this view, so I think you're right ... another Akro cork.
  5. I think that's an easy yes on four of the five. The top left one is the kind of corkscrew which we call a Popeye. You could be right on the middle left, but the first view of it is making me uncertain. A more clear shot at both ends of the ribbon could dispel my doubts.
  6. With iridescent, I'll stick with modern and foreign. Sometimes it's done for play marbles. Some it's done for decorative marbles for crafts. This last picture is very small.
  7. Just beautiful. Your photo really did them justice.
  8. Hello, welcome. These are all or most modern marbles. Does marble A have a stripe? I presume that's the white band on the background giving it a stripe. 2nd question -- does it have an iridescent finish? (sort of like carnival glass?) If it has an iridescent finish, then it's modern and probably made in Asia or possibly Mexico. If it doesn't have a finish -- if it's just clear glass ... then we call it a "clearie". And many companies made clearies over the years ... at least from the 30's to the present ... so we can't nail down maker or age. With the one view, I have to say modern, foreign on B. Asia or Mexico. C and H are in the style that we call "Imperial". They're made in Asia. They're modern. And the Imperial Toy Co. was one of the companies which distributed them in the U.S. E may also be in that category. I suspect it is. However, from this angle I can't say for sure. D might turn out to be a cage style cats eye. It could turn out to be your oldest marble. Maybe from as early as the 60's. Possibly later though. Possibly made in America. More views would help decide. F is a confetti-style marble which is made in Asia or Mexico. G appear to be Asian cat's eyes. At least the one on the left does. Not sure about the one on the right in this view.
  9. Wow. Thank you both so much. Makes me feel all warm to be part of this community!
  10. I was so tempted to raise my earlier bid but I decided to let someone else enjoy. Then it became moot since things heated up in the last four seconds of the auction. Thank you again, Mike, much appreciated, and congratulations to the winner.
  11. Here's to hippies! Auction ending in 4 hours. Some pretty marbles.
  12. The colors, the swirliness (including the non-cork-like intersection of red and yellow in the third view, and how the red and yellow are connected in the first view.
  13. Hi there. #1 _might_ be Peltier. Also might be Marble King. Need a better idea of how many ribbons there are and how they connect at the seams. #2 is tricky. I'll go Master or Imperial. #3, the first view looks to have a nice tail in it. So I'm figuring the 2nd view is a "nine", rather than a turkey head. I'm going to say M.F. Christensen slag, rather than Christensen Agate. #4. In spite of your sureness that this was with an old group, it looks totally Jabo to me. #5. So that red ribbon corks around the marble? More views could help but I'm leaning Akro for now based on the peek at the seam in the first view.
  14. Start your wishlist now! Feel free to get me one of these.
  15. Hot cocoa with a hot tea chaser. It's chilly here.
  16. Steph

    mib ID

    Peltier Rainbo. What's it look like when not backlighting it? If it looks sorta solid brown/tan before you light it up, then the collector's name for this one is a "Muddy".
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