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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I can't be sure of maker of amber. From that one view, some chance that it is handgathered, so could be MFC. Condition does look rough.
  2. Oh no! I opened the thread too soon! What will I do in the morning?!
  3. Thanks for the seams. Big help. With those seams, I'm thinking an unusual foreign cat's eye. Seriously unusual, both in base glass and vanes.
  4. I _think_ that was an accident. Though there is a group of Akro that we call popeye patches which looks like an intentional run (whether they were sold or not), I think this is unrelated to that group. I think this run was supposed to be all cork. I doubt there was a switch to patches here. My guess is that the cup just stopped spinning for a moment. I suppose there _was_ a schedule for switching. Like switching over to an official Royal run at some point in a day or week or month. I just doubt that was employed here.
  5. Nice! This cork and patch came from the same Popeye box. (From a Marblealan auction) If that wasn't same run, had to be pretty darn close in time.
  6. Steph


    A red and white has several options, but the pattern fits with the Alleys. So I'd keep it in that general area. I do keep my suspected Alleys away from my definite Alleys though. (I have a bunch of dug ones.)
  7. I'm not quite making out the texture. Could be water damage or fire damage. If marbles spend a long time in an aquarium you'll often see a rough finish on them.
  8. I took a picture of our lightpole
  9. I think another Alley.
  10. How heavy is it? I'd ask if it feels like glass when you put it to your lips, but maybe you don't want to touch your lips to it. I'll guess Alley like I did with the "soccer ball".
  11. Looks kinda swirl to me. Size? I'm guessing maybe Alley.
  12. Looks like a mix of Jabos and older marbles. (Jabo on the 1-inch swirls.) Older ones include some Vitro Conquerors. First pic, 2nd row from the back, in the middle ... multicolor one ... what is that?
  13. I sent out an SOS after I saw the first pic and my Akro expert didn't recognize it as Akro. So now I'm in a pickle. I do like it very much. That is, I like the marble. Not being in a pickle.
  14. How very Christmassy. I have a moderately sized collection of ornaments with sentiments attached, but we don't do a tree. Or we haven't done since the one time I tried it in my apartment in the 1980's. Now that we have a new home in a new neighborhood where people put up Christmas lights on the day after Thanksgiving, I'm going to look into artificial tree options.
  15. Ummm ... look related. Not normal! Size? More views of the seams?
  16. Hello. Nice to meet you.
  17. Did you get them all? We have a couple of good ID-ers. Will probably show up soon.
  18. Can't say I have heard of 76. I recognize that tupperware popsicle stick. I keep saying I want to get out with my metal detector ... an old one ... but it's better than nothing. I really gotta do that.
  19. You guys are making this look easy, but I'm not fooled!
  20. Hey, when you need a marble fix, you do what you gotta do, right?
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