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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I know someone in Tennessee who used to collect marbles. I'm not sure if she's still into it. Did you ever know Carole Shockley?
  2. Yes, that's exactly it. Well, I think it collects in a little cup first before it goes to the rollers. .... but we have a lot of people who have seen marbles being made in person. I'm not one of them. Maybe they can add.
  3. fantastic pictures of interesting marbles
  4. (Love the big blue and yellow cork.)
  5. (I'm not seeing oxblood on #7)
  6. 21/32" on #6. Hmmmm ... It's not an ordinary game marble. I agree with That1. Alley would be my guess. In this view it looks sorta swirly. Randomly swirly. What I'm curious about is if it has any more distinct patterns in other views. On the 15/16" ... stick with "Akro corkscrew". "Turkey" is used fairly exclusively for CAC's.
  7. I'm not up on the German handmade terminology. But I think this one is "naked" because it just has the one layer of action, in the inner core. No extra action at/near the surface.
  8. Hmmmm ... might need more views. But I'll take a shot at guessing. 1. West Virginia swirl. I'll make a further guess of Alley. 2. If vintage, then West Virginia swirl. Again, I'll be bold and say Alley. (Some chance of it being a modern Vacor Old Fashioned. But I have one like it that's old.) 3. Peltier Rainbo. Peltier might have sold it in a box marked Bloodies. 4. West Virginia swirl 5. ??? Not getting a good feel for whether this is old or new. 6. Pretty color. What size? 7. More views please. Could be a Peltier Peerless Patch. Or might turn into something else if you turn it around! 8. Transparent swirl. In the West Virginia swirl family. I don't try to guess makers on transparent swirls. 9. Christensen Agate. .... I also don't usually give Christensen as a guess, preferring to leave that to CAC collectors. But I think good chance. Again, more views could change things.
  9. Steph

    Punty mark?

    Agreed. Machine made. Peltier. Popped air bubble.
  10. These would be modern. Made by Vacor de Mexico.
  11. so lovely ... a nice interlude
  12. Steph

    My 2nd few

    1. Asian cat's eye. Common style. Modern. If there's any value, it comes with the large size. 2. Also Asian. Known as an "Imperial" because the Imperial Toy Company distributed them. Modern. 3 & 4. Vitro or Akro. Vintage. 5. Maybe Vitro cage style cat's eye. 6. Asian cage style cat's eye. 7. ? 8. Appears to have an oily finish. Modern. 9. I think vintage. Not seeing enough of the seams to be able to guess maker. 10. ? 11. Maybe West Virginia Swirl. If so, then vintage. 12. Is this light-ish or heavy-ish. If light, then probably clay, though could be a ceramic with color worn off. If heavy, then maybe stone. Though old, no particular value. One name for a single-colored clay marble is "commie" ... because they were so common. 13. Hmmmm ... probably vintage. Two or three companies it could be. Marble King, Vitro, Akro. Maybe I should be able to say which one, but it's too early in the morning. 14. This one is looking foreign. Asian. Modern.
  13. Steph


    I'm pretty confident about it too!
  14. Looks like a mix of old and new. Nothing jumps out at me as something which would fund your retirement.
  15. It's the pattern. Here are some Marble King bumblebees I photographed recently. (Forgive the shade -- they came out slightly green-tinted in the picture.) Your Jabo is a sort of "swirl" with one long ribbon of black. The MK bumblebee has what is known as a "patch and ribbon" color distribution. Two seams. Multiple ribbons in a particular pattern. (There's also a Peltier Bumblebee with a different pattern, but same principle.)
  16. Start a new thread for each new group. It gets very messy otherwise!
  17. Agree. Jabo on the top three. So after 1990, probably after 2000, since I think the one with the bumblebee colors came from 2003 or 2004. Vitro Tiger eye on #5. Vitro Whitie on #6. (Tiger Eye from the 1950's. Whitie from 50's or 60's.) Al, what is it that they do to give it the frosted look? I forget. Is it acid wash?
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