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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Welcome, Pam. The more the merrier. Hope we can help.
  2. That's pretty wild ....... the marbles ... and managing not to have Masters or Marble Kings .......
  3. Noooo .... all collectors names. Peltier called these two-color marbles with this basic pattern "Rainbos". The different names are from collectors. (Edit: I'm not treating the brown as a different intentional color. At least not from the era where a third color might have gotten a different name.) The only company I'm aware of giving their marbles different names for different color combos is Vacor (aka Mega aka Fabricas Selectas).
  4. .... goes to look for a fainting emoticon .....
  6. You have some pretty colors to go along with your super sizes.
  7. Cosmic rainbows are good in general. So, yeah, figuring big ones are very good. For the smaller ones, Cedarman got $4.99 to $12.15 in the recently completed listings. Someone has a blue and yellow 7/8" listed at a BIN of $22. Might have a small crack in that one -- or that might be a fiber. ... not a lot to go on ... but maybe it helps a little.
  8. I"m going with clambroth. I feel pretty solid on that. *fingers crossed* lovely
  9. Thanks, Dave. And thanks for adding.
  10. So, the history is that this is an early bag -- presumably after the Marble King company was incorporated in 1949 but before they started making their own marbles (which was sometime around 1955). So looks like Berry Pink just gathered together some colorful marbles for the ad, without worrying too much about whether he could match them when the orders started coming in. Mr. Pink bought the factory from Mr. Alley ... so that explains the Alleys in the package. He jobbered marbles for Mr. Peltier ... so that explains the Peltiers in the package. I think I also see some Akros in there ... and the Akro company had gone out of business around that time so there may have been some surplus floating around, but I thought Master got that. So ????? (Ric do you see Akros?) And what is that marble in the bottom right -- white with orange and yellow stripes?
  11. The rotation in this view is interesting, but I'm not positing any opinion about how it was made. This subject is definitely above my pay grade.
  12. Cat toy? Spoiled little Victorian cat? I love it.
  13. Anyone know the date on this one? I'm giving it a general ballpark of "early 1950's" for now. Also ... how many company's marbles do you see in the bag? (If you click through a couple of times, you can get to a pretty big copy.) Side 2
  14. Hoody, do you know Snap, Crackle and Pop ... both an iconic phrase and three iconic cartoon characters associated with Rice Krispies cereal? I thought of them and what a part they were of my culture growing up ... the kind of thing "everybody know" ... and I wondered about other countries having that kind of silly stuff becoming household phrases. So I thought I'd try to ask you about it. Even though I haven't quite figured out how to phrase my question .....
  15. I see it! That looks like a hurricane or a whirlpool or something.
  16. Oooooh ... nice pattern. I'm gonna go with Peltier. The seam kinda made me wonder if it could be CAC, but I'm sticking with Peltier. Peltier slags are famous for "feathering".
  17. Steph


    Flash pictures or underwater pictures could help ... at least could help me!
  18. I'm trying to see it! I kinda see two eyes and a pointy nose. What is the cat doing?
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