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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Group 23:

    I take back my vote on that one. I agree something different is happening with the white there.
  2. Steph

    Group 23:

    #4 looks interesting. It might be Pelt Multicolor Swirl. That would be a swirly Pelt Mutlicolor Rainbo, possibly from the NLR era. Very desirable if that's what it turns out to be. Put #6 in your Vitro group. #8 might have been intended as a game marble, so that's where I'd put it. I'd put the rest with your general West Virginia Swirls.
  3. It's more like autumn here, too. On Wednesday morning we had frost. And I have my first ever (as an adult) tomato plants waiting here inside until it's safe to go out. I like cold but I'm impatient to plant my tomatoes.
  4. Add them all to your generic West Virginia Swirls lot. So far that lot is mostly red, I think? Blue will give it some color. (These are in the "commons" category.)
  5. This looks fun. Saw one of the same brand but in a different style box on ebay and didn't want to link to an active auction. Sport Marbles Playset
  6. Well this is a nice element The artist has more marble run gadgets on his channel ... fun ones
  7. Not sure about #4. Not seeing #7 clearly.
  8. But I thought for sure that was your earring. My bad.
  9. Check out these Akros .... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Marbles-Akro-Agate-Special-Lot-Of-3-Very-Old-Antique-Marbles-fantasi-/282459173643 ... with more of kolieclify's text for the description
  10. eBay will get him eventually ... after he has suckered a few people and they've filed for refunds.
  11. The description came from this kolieclify auction: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Marbles-Akro-Agate-Special-Lot-Of-100-Very-Old-Antique-Marbles-/401314883826
  12. Sometimes white is a color. Sometimes it's not. That helps, doesn't it! To Akro, in the Tri-Color Agates, the three colors could include white. (On the left in the Tri Color line in this picture is a Lifesaver -- yellow, red, green -- the green may be hard for you to see in this particular scan. The rest have white as a color.) Similar with Prize Names. They're "two-color" ... and sometimes one of the colors is white. Popeyes are a different category. They have clear and white and two other colors and we sort of don't count the white as a color there. I can't remember the other examples where we don't count white. They'll probably come to me.
  13. Steph

    Muddy base

    Edit: oh good ... thanks Paul
  14. The first one is sharp. The last one is gorgeous. (The middle ones ain't shabby either. )
  15. I'll go popeye on #1 ... and just leave it at nice tri-color cork on #6.
  16. Yes, they're hooked! That's great, Joe.
  17. Steph

    Fourth One

    Hmmm ... more views on this one might help. I'm leaning toward foreign cat's eye, but other views could change my mind.
  18. Hi there. I think #1 is a foreign cat's eye . #3 is definitely a foreign cat's eye. Probably need to see more views of #2. Little to no value on foreign cat's eyes though sometimes the big ones can be worth a few dollars just by being big.
  19. I think #8 is a "mica". http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22238-mica-marbles/ My first guess for #7 is Vitro. Part of me wonders if it could be a Kokomo though (odds are very low for that).
  20. Steph

    Muddy base

    What's it look like under blacklight?
  21. Steph

    Muddy base

    If Paul is willing, I'd go that route. He has more marbles to compare it to. But I could give it a shot.
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