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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Very biological in the backlight photo.
  2. Thanks Al. It's hard to describe what I mean ... I need better patch vocabulary. I think of those as being in the general realm of "rainbo". (though a couple do only have faint second ribbons). So the ones I'm looking for have less symmetry. A patch/ribbon only on one side. Maybe I just made it up.
  3. Bump ... I'm really sure I've seen some Koko patches but I don't remember any good pix of the few I saw. Only glimpses into bags or small photos.
  4. I just called two of my marbles "Mr. Lutz". I don't know how I decided they were Misters.
  5. Marble has already gone back home so no sunlight comparisons.
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-6-QUARTZ-DRUSE-Carved-Crystal-Skull-Crystal-Healing-/351884209643
  7. You're not kidding. But the purply shade really was a good match for the Ravenswood in hand.
  8. Too bad it's frowned upon for a person to take one example from each row before they pass the box along to someone else.
  9. I remember when I learned the name for the long sandwich which I now know as a "sub". I was about nine. It was fun to say the name of this exotic sandwich that my father bought us. But now I don't remember which name he called it. It was either "hero" or "hoagie". I think "hero".
  10. In the spirit of the season -- make a clawfoot wizard wand hold a marble https://www.pinterest.com/pin/282460207852949719/ Witchy Mama says, "We used the wood from a paint brush, clay, hot glue, marbles, and acrylic paint."
  11. Up for ID is a black(ish) swirl with a bright white base. I think the base is not quite as bright and uniform as the CAC at the top of the photo. I pulled in different marbles -- some for comparing base colors and some for comparing ribbon colors and some for comparing ribbons shapes. (In hand the bottom Alley looks closer in shade to the bottom Ravenswood but the flash found more purple in it.) Sooooo ... I think the ribbons of the mystery marble match the Ravenswood just to the right of it in color, except the Ravenswood has wider ribbons so they end up looking darker. And I think the mystery marble's base is close to the Ravenswood on top. So that's what my vote is -- Ravenswood -- anyone else have any ideas about that one? Finally, here's a non-flash photo which gets the Alley on the bottom a little better. Need a sunlight photo but that would mean getting organized during the day.
  12. Are you familiar with them? Like marbles which may look more like Akro patches than Peltier Rainbos?
  13. Well, haven't gathered my magazines yet. But here's a bump. Pic Magazine, July 1939 (click a picture to get to a larger image at PhotoBucket ... if you click the right buttons there, you can get big pages ... down to being able to see the Akro cork on page 32 :) . . . .
  14. Aw shucks. Thanks for settling that question though.
  15. Interesting contrast between the flamey rows and the not-flamey rows. Did some colors tend to be more flamey? Or do you think it was just some days or some machines which were running that way, and the flame rows came from those days or machines and it happened roughly the same among the different colors?
  16. Thanks for showing the box! Any excuse to see a box full of CAC's is teh awesome.
  17. That's delightful. I don't usually think of Kokos as "pretty". This one is sweet.
  18. Mac and peas (and cheese) ... not bad.
  19. I'm thinking Akro. Just under 1". The base turns to liquid in the sunlight ... and sort of looks like it has fire ... but I _think_ the fire comes from the yellow. (The right column is with the flash.)
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