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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The superdy duperdy Alloway I like to share that bit of "clip art" from source: https://picasaweb.google.com/113441713673742703607/Marbles?authkey=Gv1sRgCOiO6JKrh_m_NQ
  2. Husband's junk food "steak fingers" plus french cut canned green beans with red curry powder, over rice. .... and thinking about how foreign plain canned food seems to me now ... we always had it plain when I was a child. Now it's gotta have chili powder or curry powder or cilantro or some such.
  3. Yeah it looks like sunken levels of blackness. Smash it to see inside. I keed! I keed!
  4. Ann is ready for some horse racing!
  5. Forgot to pay my electric bill. Due tomorrow. So I had to go to the electric company tonight in the just below freezing weather. And silly me, I wouldn't drive it. Walking to the electric company is how I make sure I exercise at least once a month. But it's late and I have to wake up in less than 7 hours ... so I ran it. So, yay. I proved that even after taking the winter off I can still run that mile that I worked up to last year. Disclaimer: "run" may not mean the same to me as it does to you
  6. Chris Juedemann -- I have one kinda like this from him -- same principle -- but can't take a photo like this!
  7. Someone else recommended that show to me today when I shared my geographic shame. I knew it sounded familiar. Probably I heard about it from you.
  8. I wasn't sure which was correct, so I split the difference.
  9. I suck soooooo bad at geography. How badly do I suck? I took an identify-the-states quiz on facebook. And I missed Alabama. Where I went to school from 5th grade through 12th.
  10. Miximals http://thewhatsits.blogspot.com/2016/04/miximals-with-ben-clanton.html
  11. Thank you, Mike, for answering all my unasked questions in one sentence.
  12. That is one of the strangest things I've ever seen. I have questions I want to ask but I don't want to throw off the thread. Where did you find it?
  13. Water chestnuts in my Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum flavor Mama brand soup. Why did it take me 50 years to realize that I could add water chestnuts to my own soup and didn't have to order Chinese take out to get that crunch?
  14. Lou, seems like John's image is within the size range but is being rejected: "Tried to add pictures kept getting denied. set size down to 70.7KB, message says I can only use 430.08KB. Have not had this problem before"
  15. Was going to post this in 1000 Marbles ... then realized it belonged here A dandelion posted by OksanaNBell on Facebook last week
  16. Posted by Masataka Joei on facebook some time back. Sun and on the other end moon.
  17. Steph


    I'm trying to figure out how to acquire mass quantities of the kinds of noodles used in the soup packages I get at the Thai store. They don't say Ramen on them. Some have said Udon. So those were wheat noodles, if I understand correctly. (Edit: duh, maybe I should read the package for more details next time -- at least some of the packages had ingredients in English -- though not all) Some have been more pasta-y looking. There was a ramen-package looking package of pad thai (I think it was) which had pasta-y noodles. And I liked that texture. I think those were rice noodles. But I haven't had much luck achieving acceptable results with the plain rice noodles I have bought.
  18. Hmmmm. I thought I had figured out how you did it. I was wrong. Did I ever make sure I could do it myself? *double checks* Yes, I can do it. So I thought this was how you did it. I type a line and then I hold down the [shift] button while hitting [enter].
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