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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That's a very nice blue shade. That's a different shade from the blue I know about. Intriguing. Thank you for that lead. I got some nice bright Marble Kings fluorescent marbles -- the uranium kind. But actual glow-in-the-dark? The only ones I can think of in that category are here: http://www.landofmarbles.com/hom018.html They have glow-in-the-dark bits inside.
  2. This box? Or should I keep looking for one filled with just red and white marbles? (fuzzy memory but one of those is out there, right?) Source
  3. Stripes! Who knew I could like stripes as much as flames?
  4. Aw, now I can't remember which marbles Clyde meant as the Asians which could get mistaken in CAC groups and we can't ask.
  5. You have a lot of Alley swirls, some Peltier Rainbos, some Vitros, some game marbles, some clearies and the cat's eyes you noted. The solid-colored marbles aren't worth much at all unless you can get confirmation that some of them might be some particular recognizable type such as flinties or moonies. Or since some of the solids are fluorescent under blacklight you might be able to attract some buyers from among the vaseline glass collecting community.
  6. Bless your heart, Chuck! (There were broken image links and he quietly fixed them. ) This isn't that close of a comparison, not marbles that people are likely to confuse with each other, but the similarity in the motion of the swirling on these large marbles made decades apart has always intrigued me:
  7. This marble needs some more love.
  8. Just a reminder. If anyone sees a thread that they think is turning into one which ought to be saved in the archives, add "keeperthread" to one of your posts in the thread. One word. That will let me find the thread when I do a search later for threads which need to be archived.
  9. Bump ... this came up in a search. Thought it might be fun to see if anyone had anything to add before I send it to the archives. keeperthread
  10. The texture of the white, the lavender shade, and the cutline I'm seeing at the top left of the top photo is making me wonder if it might be a Vacor. At 7/10 of an inch, I'm also still considering double ingot as a possibility. While leaving open the possibility of the crease merely being a deep fold.
  11. Is that shade accurate? I don't know the maker but maybe someone else will recognize the shade. P.s., what size is it? A couple of the views are making me wonder if it is a double ingot.
  12. That's definitely cool! Big ol' bubble. As to ID ... I don't know if it can be done. Can be nigh unto impossible to pin down a maker on a Transparent Swirl.
  13. "Fun" no longer is the right word for You, Me & the Apocalypse. I will say no more. Except if you haven't been watching it, don't start now. Just two episodes left out of ten, and you don't want to see the end before you see the beginning. I give the series a 10 so far.
  14. lol ... I'll never look at muffins ... or chihuahuas ... the same
  15. Springtime in Maryland? Gosh darnit, I was thinking I hadn't heard from Bob recently. Then I looked down the page to see if there were unanswered threads and OMG, we had heard from Bob. I'm so discombobbled, I started to say I wouldn't know a George Williams if I stumbled across it in the garden ... but I have a George Williams ... don't I.
  16. To, the first two marbles would be in the "game marble" category. More views needed on the second two. If swirly, the they'll be more West Virginia Swirls (possibly more Alleys). The one on the right though looks like it could turn out to be a Peltier. More views needed though to see which way that one will go.
  17. I think West Virginia swirl on #1 -- likley Alley. #2 would be a Peltier Rainbo. I would also call it a Peltier Sunset. #3 Peltier Rainbo And on #4, more views. If swirly, then West Virginia Swirl and possibly Alley. If it has two seams, then likely will turn out to be a Peltier.
  18. More views of the second marble, please. If it's a swirl, I'd likely guess alley. But if it has two seams, then it could turn out to be a Peltier Rainbo. With the green one just being single color it's hard to say who would have made it. It's larger than an average "game marble". Probably made by one of the West Virginia Swirl companies. And the last two marbles also look like West Virginia Swirls. If you show more pix of it, one of our swirl people might think they're distinctive enough to guess a particular company.
  19. Okay, it might be good to see more views on these. I'm intrigued by the large one. The yellow and white might be an Akro but I'm not sure. More views could help. The blue and white is a West Virginia Swirl. The far right one has an interesting little loop in it, which could possibly turn out to be a "nine". Odds are that's a game marble though.
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