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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    New Akro

    Where do you see it as available? This is the page I remember from some time back. https://trademarks.justia.com/858/34/aakro-agates-shoot-straight-as-a-kro-flies-85834165.html
  2. Another nice one. And wow at the lightshow.
  3. Is that a lutzy drizzle in the right center? I saw one lutzy thread in mine -- in the middle of a ribbon of oxblood -- and was thinking I better try to get a picture of that.
  4. Steph

    New Akro

    More good information. Great to have names. Should I try to be open-minded about this? Celebrate the renewal of the trademark? From whom did they purchase the trademark?
  5. Steph


    I remember the backwards version of the Big Mac jingle. (And I don't mind stale fries ... they go along with the shriveled pickle and rehydrated onions.)
  6. That's my best guess. Also I wonder if they were sold in Imperial boxes.
  7. I'd say it was made in a Tri-Onyx Agate run ... so it should be called a Popeye. That's a good example for the discussion of paradoxes created by collector names.
  8. Coolness! So much gaze-able beauty. And I'll say good chance on the bottom one. Moss Agates did occur with white as a second color. Looking at the official Akro names which could be responsible for the "ringers" with their whispy white, it seems most likely that they were moss agates, and that some just looked really nearly clear inside, leading them to be confused with popeyes.
  9. Steph

    New Akro

    Ohhhhh! VERY interesting. Still more than a little disturbing that someone apparently unaffiliated with the old marble makers reregistered the Akro trademark. But very interesting to see marbles sold under that name.
  10. That blue! Must remember that blue. Must remember that blue. Must remember that blue. And the periwinkle.
  11. Oh my goodness, Andy! Way to remind us what we were missing!
  12. Steph


    I have very simple McDonald's tastes. I used to get their fajita. I guess it's not available anymore. Except in Canada. Another reason to move to Canada. But when not getting the fajita, I like the basic hamburger. With the pasty ketchup, the reconstituted onions and the shriveled little dill slice. Maybe a small order of fries. Oh, okay, two more things. Fruit turnover. And the yogurt parfait. Used to share the parfait with Brother. But any other sandwich reduces the McDonald's experience.
  13. Ah, yeah, then it's like Dave said. His first bid could have been your minimum, say 99 cents. Then he says, "I better go ahead and put in a higher bid." So say he bids $5. All you would see is still the 99 cents. Then if someone else comes along and bids, say, $2, his second bid will show up as $2.25. If someone comes along and bids $4.99, then his max of $5 will show up.
  14. If there are two separate bidders, it should go higher than the minimum. But like Dave said, if it's just him bidding multiple times, then it will stay at the minimum.
  15. Mint. Oh my! It's actually visually appealing. And think of the history. But. Oh. My.
  16. I have my own cache of emoticons. *hides from Ann because I'm supposed to be helping get our old emoticon favorites reinstalled and I'm being blah*
  17. Supposedly a common characteristic of Cairos (one side being white).
  18. Wasn't familiar with either. I said pop-folk as just a guess of what to call the basic artists like Joan Baez, Judy Collins and Peter, Paul & Mary. Very, very limited.
  19. Part of me wonders if it could be another unusual Peltier banana like the Honey Ambers .... Part of me is considering Master. But mostly, I really don't have an idea so I'll wait and listen to what others have to say.
  20. Interesting. I don't recognize it. Size?
  21. Did you colorize the balls?
  22. My musical tastes are quite simple. Yesterday I listened to two soundtracks: The Sound of Music and Mamma Mia! I really have little clue about music outside pop and pop-folk from 1955 to 1979. Random musical listening doesn't appeal. So it's nice when someone else plays tour guide and recommends a little jaunt into unfamiliar territory.
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