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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    We have a lot of emoticons to add back in, don't we. *she says to bump the thread while continuing to stall on organizing a list to give to Lou or seeing if she can figure out emoticon adding herself*
  2. Thank you, I like when people post music I've never even heard of!
  3. (It's tomorrow, isn't it ....)
  4. I like that. Actually I love that. Love that some of the Sistersville marbles are still mysteries.
  5. Skor, I have no idea why yours posted as a link, not a video. Catchy ....
  6. I think it was NLR. My memory for color is really bad. I think it was maybe brown, yellow and blue ribbons. But when I find it or the photos I would not be surprised to learn that I was way off.
  7. Another big thanks to everyone just in case you're in any doubt about how much you're appreciated.
  8. Well, the Peltier flip-flop is a sort of symmetry. Even if the ribbons seem to have a mind of their own.
  9. Thanks guys. Mike, yours is about the pattern I remember for mine. Mine had an opaque base though. Still haven't found the pic.
  10. Ooops, I definitely meant to say that what I heard was that the non-swirls found at Sistersville were said to have matches at Akro. But you're not aware of an Akro match for this one? Just leaning more Akro than Alley?
  11. I'm trying to find one particular pelt. Finding a lot of interesting marbles. But not that pelt. I remember it as having a greenish base. And it has lots of ribbons. But most are on one side of the marble. So ... while I continue looking for that one ... this is an invitation to post Pelts which are unbalanced ... like mine which had "too many" ribbons on one side, and little or none on the other side.
  12. This is from the Sistersville finds which Sandy once posted. Supposedly most or all of the Sistersville marbles have matches found at Akro digs. Just wondering if this one also has an Akro match:
  13. LIzzy posted these once. They might have gotten a Vitro ID at the time. Later they were at least tentatively ID-ed as Kokomo.
  14. Here's an oddball which was thought to be Pelt when I posted it for ID long ago.
  15. A sweet slag that I wish didn't have a giant blow out on the other side:
  16. That looks like candy. Clearly you were a good boy this year.
  17. Congratulations! 1960, huh? That antique who earned that one isn't much older than me. I don't suppose you were lucky enough to learn the name of the person who wore that in the national tournament ....
  18. What a wonderful quest! Oh ... I see the spiral now. Brown on this side of the plate, right? The pattern really does look like it would have been swirled there by hand ... like a cake decoration.
  19. What happened at the end in the glow in the dark segment where there was something really bright moving around?
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