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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve
  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ........ I can't remember seeing a strawberry growing wild since I was about 10. I think I would feel 10 again if I found one.
  3. What he said! Not to mention strawberries and raspberries -- favorites.
  4. Yeah ... I'm not loving the fresh ginger ... or maybe I'm not loving this batch of meat ... This meat has an odd texture and it's making me imagine that the ginger did something to it. May have put me off ginger ... at least for my raisin burgers. Might look into other dishes it would go with.
  5. Congrats. And thanks as always for the comparison shot. Seen pictures of clear one(s).
  6. Oh yeah, this will work! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/550072541958013370/
  7. Wait, what? Is the Super Bowl already happening? *sheepish* Go Broncos? *goes to look for something blue *
  8. What are what called? The odd shapes? This 'un might be called a football. Was it from your family collection? I don't think quality control let many marbles like this out of the factory. Back in the day it was important that marbles would roll well. Otherwise, the name I'm thinking of is "game marbles" ... for most of the solid colored marbles. Is that what you mean?
  9. Ran out of powdered ginger. Using fresh ginger for the first time, from the Thai market. It's messy, but the kitchen smells good.
  10. No. Just a small box I started which accidentally got filled. (: Albert's marbles were the ones on his little red bag. (: Stray thought ..... Would that bag be called gingham or does that pattern get a different name?
  11. Thank you! I thought there had to be. I knew I could count on you.
  12. Hi again. Gonna move this to the main forum because those are unusual enough. I definitely want Winnie to see that cat eye. (Winnie, the picture and the video.) I think that's an early German cat eye. And the reds look to me like nice transitionals. So I want our folks who are good with transitionals to check out the pontils and cutlines and weigh in.
  13. Way cool! This has been one of my favorite mystery marbles.
  14. Let's get back to the Asians with translucent bases ... anyone remember any opalescence in any Asian bases? This could be a tricky one ....
  15. You're welcome. Separate comments on each. You could list all three lots and you might get some competition from people who really like one lot and would like to add the other lots to take advantage of combined shipping rates. Do remember that they're glass when you ship! Try to pack them so that they're not rattling around. (Just snug, not grinding.) At also provide a nice layer of cushion between the marbles and the sides of the box, to protect from impact from the outside.
  16. Another mix of vintage marbles, relatively common, mostly American, with a bit of Japanese mixed in. At the very bottom there's a Japanese "Wales" style marble -- it is red and white with a clear interior. Above that one is a marble with a brown patch enclosed in red. Might have white on the side not showing. Would be nice to see another view of that one. My first impression of values is #2 could be your most valuable group. #1 and #3 look roughly equivalent to me. But if that one marble I'm asking about in lot #3 turns out to be a Vitro bullseye ... that's slightly more interesting. I do not know its value and I'm sure it wouldn't be a whole lot. But it's more interesting. And it could turn out to be something completely different.
  17. Again, a nice vintage mix. The blue and black Marble King Bumblebee adds to the fun quotient of the lot. But again it's commons. That shooter-sized clear-based marble near the bottom of the lot is a little more interesting to me than the rest. And there's a cloudy-based marble with a blue patch near the middle but in the top half of the group. I would pick that one up and hold it toward a light and see if I could see orange inside that one. That would make it an interesting marble. If you posted this for $9.99 on ebay, someone might think that a bargain for the lot and you might get some higher bids. I really can't say how ebay psychology works these days. P.s., the shooter at the very top also interests me just coz I don't know what it is. I don't expect it to turn out to be valuable, but I don't recognize it in this one view.
  18. Hello. Welcome. I see a mix of vintage marbles. Mostly American. At least one Japanese and one German. All relatively common. So you might list them on ebay for $9.99 and see what happens.
  19. I just noticed some new postings to it. http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/ When we had the scroll across the top of the homepage with recent entries it was easier to remember to check but I'll just keep posting the occasional reminder. Poke your head in up there.
  20. Looks like a drawing. Funny (interesting). You see paintings which looks like photos. You don't expect to see photos which look like paintings. But you've managed that before (thinking about a twig with blue shadow).
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