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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Ohhhhhh .... those are stalactites ...... ! I thought they were tree tops. The mouth of the cave I saw as a farmhouse in the distance.
  2. This says for Steph but I won't be stingy with it! (Help!) http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21654-black-and-orange-for-steph/
  3. The big one is the one I'd most likely think of as modern if I saw it standing alone. For that one and the others which look like a matched set, I'm going to wait for some of the Alley and Christensen Agate people to see if they recognize them as one of their own. *entering lurk mode*
  4. Thanks. I get an Akro feel from this view of the lower left one. The larger one also stands out as different -- more views could be helpful for that one. I'm going to wait for some of the others to comment on the main group of swirls. They look older than I first thought .... but I can't quite place them. Seems like something someone else might quickly pin down though.
  5. That's pretty funny. It's meant to be.
  6. I'm about to run out the door so I posted that answer quickly. I'd usually like to ponder more over a swirl ID, but I feel pretty good about that one. Really nice to have so many of those.
  7. I think these are special Alleys. Alley is one of the companies who made what we call West Virginia Swirls. I think I can comfortably say yours belong in the Blush Line. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/13019-alleys-blue-skies-and-blush-lines/ "Lady Taters"
  8. Hi Caroline. Welcome aboard. You're correct about the dating of the marbles. Turn of the century (with maybe some from the 1800's) into the 1950's. Plus one probably from the 1960's and one group I can't place at all -- might have thought modern if they were standing alone but since they're in such an old group, I'll be very interested in seeing more views of them. (Those are the black and oranges which come up as lot #2 for me.) Those stone aggies have seen some marble battles! A very nice inheritance. One group per thread in the ID forum would be the way to go for us to give you more specifics about your treasures.
  9. Bulgarian Curiosities Is This Bulgarian Bulgarian Marbles From Oregon?
  10. Thank you very much. I really love the colorful language.
  11. Jess made me wonder if it could be Cambridge glass. Do we know the function of the piece? Is it a flower pot? A toothpick holder? A ????
  12. I almost never take pictures I like. Just pictures which are "adequate". This one came out so nice though. D.A.S. Veterans Run, 11/12/2015
  13. LOL ... unlimited. If someone posts more than 1000, we can change the title to "about a million marbles". And both are very pretty .... the second is another of your "surf" marbles.
  14. No problem, Steve! Understood. My thread will just hopefully be a cleaned up, presentable version of something I started some years ago which went a little off the rails and then was forgotten.
  15. This thread is getting pretty long: The Show Off Your Jabos & D M's And No One Say Anything Negative Thread!
  16. No information here. Just stopping in to say cute!
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