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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Is there purple? Or is that a trick of the camera? I agree most likely Champion, though my screen is seeing most of the marble as lavender.
  2. Post #6 -- I get a Jabo feeling from these. Jabo is a Reno, Ohio company who started making toy marbles in 1991. (Industrial marble before that) Post #7 -- This plate might have a mix of older and newer. I think I may see at least one West Virginia swirl, which would be older. And there might be an Akro, which would be older. More views could help there. Post #8 -- I think Jabo again on these. Post #10 -- modern Chinese as popculturizm said
  3. Hello. Welcome. Would like to look at some pix. They need to be less than 450k to load as attachments. You could start an album with some pics on the gallery, and then that would be another way we could view them. No size upload limit there that I know of.
  4. Twang? Is that the "vocal fry"? (cute commercials )
  5. I've definitely heard it called a "6 fingers". But have I heard something else? ..... my brain is itching.
  6. Oh my gosh. I was reading along going "nice", "nice", and then I saw the vaseline glass and "be still my heart".
  7. Those look good enough to eat. The orange has gotta be tasty.
  8. Thanks, Ron. Nice find. Yes, "Professional". See the box in Post #17. I'm not sure why "Professional" was considered a marketable name ??? Professional marble player? But sure enough, that was a name they used.
  9. Steph

    Pelt Patches

    Beautiful! Thank you. What a nice surprise. Not to single any set out as a favorite ... just saying those realers look really nice together like that.
  10. Steph

    Mystery Photo

    Very fancy Couldn't guess what the black lines were from since I was pretty sure you wouldn't have drawn a magic marker outline around whatever that was.
  11. That sure was a great season of Survivor. Epic even.
  12. Steph

    Mystery Photo

    :) sauce so hot it burned a hole in the floor?
  13. I still can't tell if it's just a coincidence that the words have some similarity of sound and meaning. Did they have unrelated linguistic origins? Or is there still a relation but it wasn't made clear in those two entries? .... Or was it clear and I just missed it?
  14. Odd. I'm not sure in that photo. Does the whiter area of the marble trace a circle around the middle as your roll it around in the light?
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