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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Could the top left one be Anacortes?
  2. Thanks for the Halloween bumps. Pelt?
  3. Did they really try to make the V's on purpose? (Pretty sure I heard someone say so.) Or was it a happy coincidence?
  4. I definitely heard of it. I can't remember when. It feels like it was a long time ago.
  5. The English title is "The Man with the Golden Gun". So it's very very close.
  6. Steph

    New Akro

    http://www.ebay.com/sch/lutz8/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1 A few years ago a repro company reregistered the Akro trademark. In their trademark application they showed a repro box which you wouldn't want to see flood the market. So, whether lutz8 is with those guys or whether lutz8's group bought the trademark from those guys, I take heart in them selling contemps in an open manner instead of repros.
  7. Great looking work. Whoever the lucky recipients are, I'm sure they treasure them.
  8. Smartass idea: changing the baseglass changes it from a calligraphy to a scribble. Devil's advocate idea: changing the baseglass on a wirepull from clear to solid makes it not a wirepull anymore.
  9. For Mike Petura, one of his jelly fish. (photo by Brian Bowden)
  10. I have some punny friends who could mop the floor with lead-ins like this. I don't have that talent. One round and then I take a seat on the spectator bench.
  11. I used to be addicted to soap. I'm clean now.
  12. I agree with Sami and Ann. I believe that Tornado is a legitimate name. And that Blizzard also could apply.
  13. Has anyone dug the English colors in Thuringen? Whether at a house with a known name or not?
  14. Things like that make me think it's not too late to try to learn German. Had a similar reaction listening to a Holland's Got Talent video -- it made me think I could learn Dutch if I just tried a little. The scary thing is always the verbs.
  15. Thank you. I feel cheerful just by looking at them. Sunshine really brings them to life.
  16. Hey, you get no complaints from me! Do we know where the 8-vaners came from? Are they Japanese?
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