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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yes. Looks good to me. Here's a link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/252072080762 Good luck with the auction.
  2. It's August and it's cold. Bring back the warm for just a little ... please.
  3. Steph


    I agree. Fiber optics.
  4. With a camera. Just a camera. That's so Jetsons-y.
  5. ????? I'm not sure I would guess Peltier on them. But I don't know what else to guess.
  6. Oh no! What is there to say? Derrick! I'm so sorry.
  7. Really pretty. I don't think I'm seeing oxblood. At least part of the reddish color looks translucent and that part wouldn't be oxblood. Hopefully someone who knows swirls will be by soon.
  8. *eeek!* Have you opened it yet? Is that a common bag? Yes, those are St. Mary's Alleys. Is it the plastic which makes you say they were packaged after the Alley plant became Marble King? That would make sense.
  9. Hello. Welcome. No, can't say as I have. Powdery? Not metallic?
  10. The first one looks like it might be one of the U-joint NLR's (I think that's how Bob Block described them). Do the four ribbons connect up in one big oval like a racetrack? Edit: I meant hourglass rather than oval.
  11. What shade is the non-white part of the base? Tan? Peach?
  12. Tiny bit of brown tint on the glass? First of all, it's looking NLR-y to me. At least the top one, and since the bottom looks like a relative of the top, I'll extend that to the bottom.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzvAk2S1Z3k
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyi4RwtKQc8 Vse delfini v uragan Translation: All the dolphins in Hurricane
  15. When/where were you when you first saw Singin' in the Rain? I was a teenager at my grandmother's house in Oklahoma in the 70's -- it was on during a PBS pledge drive.
  16. Steph

    Is It Rude?

    I occasionally do that. I don't consider myself to be rude for doing so. Edit: Of course there's a lot to be said about how you do it. We joke about "marble cops" because some folks can come across pretty harshly. And if the seller doesn't respond the way the person likes, it can go downhill from there. If you do that often enough for that to be how people remember you ...... well, I'm sure you don't wanna do that or you wouldn't be asking this question now.
  17. Give the grandson a little present from granddad. This one comes with a little history lesson -- it was made during World War II.
  18. The humidity here often makes airdrying a challenge.
  19. Hmmmmm ... when I don't towel my face, I feel chapped in the spots where the water tends to drip from.
  20. I sent out an SOS to him. Maybe he'll drop in on this thread.
  21. Bumping with these bonzer pictures of a carved UV Mandala marble by Masataka Joei. I tried to find the link at the Black Market Marbles page, but I couldn't find it. Could only find the version I shared to my friend's page, so I'll start with a screenshot of that share to give background information.
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