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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Welcome Tracye. Gotta love a good freak. That's two intros in a row from Texans. SirCray, meet Tracye. Tracye, SirCray. Have you checked out the Texas Marble Collectors Club yet? http://www.texasmarblecollectors.com/Home_Page.php
  2. Yes, cool! And it solves a mystery for me. I have a black and white version of that ad and it puzzled me. Was looking at it again yesterday. In the b&w version some of the marble bases looked black. So I'm glad to see the color. While some of those Rainbows are interesting, at least they all look white-based. So order is restored to my world. Still wondering what "Moonies" are .... My current guess is game marbles. Does anybody here know?
  3. That's one of those where I always wonder what Akro's name for that style was.
  4. so educational Gotta be one of the most educational pickles ever.
  5. Green eggs and ham? *hanging head in embarrassment because I even have to ask*
  6. By the way, the weather was gorgeous today. Cool(ish) and breezy. Felt like fall.
  7. Updated link: If you happen to lose your marbles, the Vitro Agate Co. stands ready to help
  8. This thread needs a bump. 1957: (Courtesy of Paul Germann)
  9. Could it have been glazed and all the glaze have worn away with a remnant of color bleeding through? I had a clay boulder once which looked completely undecorated but under blacklight you could see that it once had a floral decoration.
  10. I was born in Oklahoma, learned to talk in Texas, lived in Missouri, Maryland, North Carolina, Louisiana, before starting first grade in New Mexico. Then for second grade it was back to Texas, and then to Alabama and Kentucky and back to Alabama. Then moved to Oklahoma the day I graduated from high school. Then I went to Utah for a year-and-a-half, and then back to Oklahoma for 20 years before I moved up here to Wisconsin. One time I was talking with my father about all the places we'd lived and he said, "it's not that many -- I can still name the addresses". So he was reeling off the addresses while I counted the places on my fingers. I was up to 12 fingers when he got us back to Texas and I said, "um, Dad, I was 7 then" ... and I was able to take it from there. But I kinda squashed his "we didn't move all that much" claim.
  11. Mozzarella cheese and sliced tomatoes. Keeping it simple.
  12. New color! Turquoise! I'm sitting here with my turquoise shirt, shorts, hairband, glasses ... enjoying my turquoise cats. I suppose I might be able to get some pictures. So anything in the general turquoise, blue-green, cyan, aqua range!
  13. Legit issue. With all their supertech, they should have communicated with you about the delay. Time to write a letter to management! Maybe you'll get a coupon.
  14. Steph

    Today's Find

    I had a resin one. Sold it. Another regret. But I got at least $100 for it. Can't remember how much.
  15. They look quite nice in matched pairs. Very appealing.
  16. One day we're gonna have to fish a rechargeable battery out of our sink pipe. I wasn't able to get the pipes apart so it's still down there years later.
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