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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Too bad we don't know whether the doctor found any of these groups together or collected them one at a time and just happened to find several which looked alike. You could list them on ebay saying, "These look like they could be same run." That would be a safe way. And they sure do look nice together. I really do wonder if they all came down the shoot together, or if Akro was just so consistent that they would make very similar looking marbles on different days.
  2. We had a long discussion about that and some people were dismissive of ever calling vintage machine-mades "same run". But I sure understand wanting to make that case here with marbles like these:
  3. What does it look like under water?
  4. Steph


    Would like to be able to pick it up and turn it around so I could try to count ribbons and study cutlines. If not Pelt then it's gotta be Vacor. Picture one is trying to look like a seam, but pics two and three are showing Vacor features. Therefore, going with Vacor.
  5. Heroes, the original series -- in preparation for the Heroes reboot this fall.
  6. I went to your profile and I do not see an option for messaging. Let me talk to Lou about that. Maybe there's a switch he can flip on for you.
  7. You can go to the person's profile page and look for the "Send me a message" button. Or you can go to the Messenger and choose "Compose New". You can get to the Messenger either through the envelope icon on the top right of the page or through the drop down menu which you can get to by clicking on the triangle beside your name on the top right of the page. Hope this helps!
  8. Windows 7. A friend set up my system years ago and made me a restore disk and that's what I stick with. He did put a linux partition on, telling me to see how I like it, but I never gotten around to trying to get comfortable with it after those first couple of times I booted it up.
  9. Greetings. Sending a hearty welcome from the far side of Wisconsin.
  10. Look like All-Red variants to me. Not enough color for Parrots. If I understand correctly.
  11. What all names of Marble jobbers can you think of? Rosenthal, Penny King, Alox, Berry Pink Industries, Akro in their first years And Don Miller is selling a couple of bags of Japanese cat's eyes from Paulanne Industries in Philadelphia. I'll guess I've seen that name before, but it didn't seem very familiar. Which got me thinking about this thread.
  12. Whenever I lived in the south we had A/C.
  13. Those coils are something else. .... and of course I love the agate ....
  14. Dr. Who, Season 11, 1974 The dinosaurs have taken over London.
  15. The internet claims our high today was/will be 83 ... while it shows that our current temp is 85 ... and I looked out the window and saw 89 a little earlier ... and that was after the hottest part of the day. And have I mentioned yet too many times that we have no A/C? *pant pant pant* But we do have two floor fans we can drag around to whatever room we're in. Maybe put them in succession, so the first fan can cool the air off a little and the second can cool it off a little more.
  16. It is a little difficult to watch Dr. Who episodes from the 1970's on a hot summer day with no A/C. They wore soooo many clothes. I always think of television studios being hot places with all those lights. I sure hope I'm wrong about how hot it must have been. Coz I'm feeling feverish just watching them and their long sleeves and jackets and scarves and vests. Not to mention alien costumes.
  17. Love them. An antler acorn? Don't tell me the butterfly is made out of antler too.
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