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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yep ... Now I get to learn how long green food dye takes to fade. lol
  2. Soooooo .... it's cold and we're getting some good snow and I decided to try ...... got out my balloons and the food coloring and ....... welllll ...... we've had that food coloring in the cabinet for a long time, and I guess maybe they used adhesive to stick the nozzle to the top of the little bottles and I guess the adhesive dissolved during the years of non-use ...... and welllllll ....... * * * * * * * *
  3. Just in case anyone on this forum missed this one .... or if you want to see it again ..... hi-frickin-larious
  4. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    I'll have to take the Realers out of yesterday's patch pic. And then will have to puzzle over whether to include the patches which I think are from later in the 1930's. But Ah'll Be Bahk.
  5. In my memory I feel pretty sure I've had champs which look like the one on the right. Maybe straight from the Bicentennial bag. Edit: My memory for color is suspect though, so ratchet that "pretty sure" down a few notches in translation.
  6. That's what they say. I'm still a bit confused over whether that's a name for NLR's or Rainbos, in case this still turns out to be a Rainbo.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/181642238330 Does have a lemonade ox look. Oh, and I'll guess Champion ...... just for grins.
  8. Yeah, Peerless Patches are the solid ones. Acme Realers are the ones you can see into with the fire (gold) inside, but I was sorta wondering of one or two non-black Realers might have slipped into the auction lots. 'nite!
  9. Ah. Well, they do look like Peltier glass. It's just that a single pair of ribbons is not typical.
  10. I know right?! (lol) I'm easily stumpable. I'm glad you posted so many classics. They were fun to ID. ..... maybe it's just those views of those two red/blues which are throwing me off. Did someone else ID them already in your other threads? Maybe you could start an ID thread just for them, with a few views. Were they part of your old lot? Edit: with Cheese in the room, feel free to post them in this thread. I just suggested a new thread to be sure you'd have others looking at 'em.
  11. Is that an oxblood Jabo second up from the bottom in the middle pic?
  12. Here you've got your Popeyes on the bottom. Then move over and up and get your NLRs. In the middle on the left, it looks like you have an NLR next to a Rainbo. Moving up to the 2nd from the top, you have three Rainbos. Then on the top row. ... hmmm ... Two rainbos. Next are two ones swirly read and blue ones which I can't place -- interesting ones. Then three which might be Rainbos but a single ribbon on either side is unusual for a Rainbo.
  13. I don't think slag on the top left. Not sure on the peach on on the 2nd row. On the third row, I'm not sure about the 2nd from the left. Skipping to the 5th row, the aqua based one is a Peltier Rainbo. Possibly early (like maybe NLR times). Not slag though. Next row (2nd from bottom) ... not sure about the 2nd from the left. Ditto on the 2nd from left on the bottom row.
  14. You have your cases. Yay. This one is almost all Peltier. The first two marbles in the left on the top row are Vitro. [Edit: you knew that, didn't you.] If they have a transparent face, which the blue one at least does appear to have, then they're helmets. The black patches on top all have fire? (So they're all Peltier Acme Realers?) Since we're thinking about aventurine in that other thread, check the black patches for sparkle or shimmer. I do not see enough shimmer in mine under indoor light to call it aventurine, but sometimes you luck out and get it on Realers.
  15. Not seeing aventurine. Sometimes people describe tiny hits as "sparkles". It's a generous thing to call them ... but it's descriptive.
  16. Me too now ... when I don't stare at it too hard. It starts to change somehow when I get too close.
  17. In the top pic, are those CAC guineas on left and right, contemp on top and bottom? How much of the middle pic is something other than CAC?
  18. Thanks, Craig. Mike, a bunch of 'em are from my mystery person, including the brown with red. And the bruiser. And the pearlized. I left out some which I weren't sure were Pelt ... may be asking about those later. But I left in one I wasn't sure about it. Big John gave it to me awhile back. The black and white on on the top left edge. That's aventurine, but it looks like it was supposed to be a traditional ribbon rather than a patch. On the other side is a clear area which looks like a missing ribbon.
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