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Everything posted by Steph

  1. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/5206401/millefiori-cane-paperweight-marble-
  2. Steph


    Well, no more stress for me. Now I can watch you guys slug it out. Should be a great game.
  3. Thanks for the warning. It got no bids, so that's good.
  4. That's a pretty little nest. What brought her to you in the beginning? Do you have a feeder?
  5. Plastic calipers are perfectly acceptable for most purposes. Better plastic than metal for measuring marbles. I've thought about getting one of those fancy calipers which measure to the thousandth of an inch, but you can do quite well with a basic plastic set.
  6. Steph


    And that's all I have to say about that!
  7. Pretty sure yes. (The only other choice would be Akro Ace if that patch is an odd cork.) Looks like a color match for this pic of a Realer box:
  8. Neat. What happens with this one? Do you blow the clays at the cherries?
  9. What's the principle of this game? Is it a decorative run? Is someone supposed to try to catch the marbles?
  10. Does the default guess of Akro apply to teeny slags as well as larger ones? In what numbers did the different slag companies create the smallest ones?
  11. Yeah, it's a cute story anyway. I just wondered what the moral was there at the end.
  12. I had completely forgotten Vitro had a "tournament" set. That symbol is rare, right?
  13. I do love tiny things. I also have a small Cracker Jack toy collection ... along with a couple of books on their history.
  14. Good morning! Nice effect. Like crisp clean sheets in springtime.
  15. Source: Bob Block auction some years ago
  16. Before I got into marbles, I dabbled in buttons. Sold most of my interesting ones already but I saved a couple back because I wanted to learn more about them before I got rid of them. This one on the front left has a spherical look. Glass. With lutz and mother of pearl chips inside. The one on the front right is the other one I consider mysterious. The ones in back aren't mysterious -- I just like them.
  17. They need to get a new subtitler. That cat is clearly laughing.
  18. Looks like you may have some Pelt Rainbos in there which are have translucent white bases and red ribbons. Those are called Bloodies.
  19. Based on the size, I'll go with more Akros for D & E.
  20. Still think you might have a Pelt 7-Up in there. The fourth one from the left ... undernearth the red and white boulder which I just labeled B .... I'm pushing for 7-Up on that. On that same row ... the row right under the boulders .... all the way the to the right ... I'm calling that a Vitro Tri-Lite ... from the 1930's.
  21. For the boulders in the middle: I think A is a Peltier Rainbo. I think B is some kind of Akro patch. Do C and F both form a corksrew? If so, C would be an Akro Prize Name. I'm not sure from the pic here (and other pix in the other thread) what Akro's name for F would have been. I may have to look at the other threads to get a better idea on D and E. Do they cork or they patches?
  22. Welcome Trista. Thanks for stopping in.
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