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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Glass Addiction is where I'd go. http://www.glasswizards.yuku.com Not saying you don't already have good advice! lol. Some of the input here is from people who post there! So my comment was just for contemps in general.
  2. Here's a favorite of mine. One single six-vane cat's eye. But it was "messed up" in about three ways. Looks like about a dozen different cats depending on how you turn it. end view of same marble:
  3. Mike, another really good question/point. Problem with banning the name callers is that sometimes it seems like "everybody" does it. So ban everybody? Or some people don't do it directly, but do it subtly. So ban the people who are direct but let the clever semanticists keep on keeping on? And sometimes names seem justified! LOL But how to judge that? It's easier to let everyone keep playing, but to do it where the innocent bystanders and newbies don't get so distressed by it. Sorry I made the move without comment. I didn't want to seem like I was moving it because of any particular person's post. I set a time in my head and decided that I would move it at that time if the thread was still in name-calling mode when I returned. It was. I moved it. That's how that went down.
  4. If they can be found in Texas, you can do it. Go Speed Racer!
  5. I moved it. Guess I could have waited until someone came in and complained yet again about how this board is about nothing but fighting anymore. Mike's point (which I thought was clever actually) had been lost. I thought it a shame. However the thread was in name-calling mode. So I moved it.
  6. I used it most every day up until 3 days ago. Now my crops are withering in Farmville. Computer malfunction - can't get on FB! But I'll be back to plow them under and build anew. Someday.
  7. There might be some provenance attached to the ones which prompted my question today. But I don't know the specifics so can't elaborate.
  8. No trick question. I thought they were "rare". I know that doesn't always factor into value though.
  9. How much might a CAC collector pay for a Red Jenny? say at a show where they could see for themselves that it was a CAC. assume nice condition. thanks.
  10. Thanks for sharing this, and for the good work you do at your shelter.
  11. Jabos. Sometimes. [space reserved for examples] [have a sort of 'silver oxblood' pic - just need to put it here, and then Galen's ox pics would be good too]
  12. Gary, check out the pic m!b$ posted at the end of the last page. That was the one with the correct answers. iiuc. Sue, you got that right. Honesty sucks. Very dangerous. I wish I could comment there tho'. They have a couple of foreign mibs being sorta shot around and not ID-ed correctly right now. I'd like to comment on those. I'd try to be nice. Sorry that I suggested that Kevin take a flashlight to his first show. I didn't know that would be so offensive. Live and learn. BT, is your site gone? No, nevermind. I couldn't see it yesterday, but it's there today.
  13. Steph


    Very cool. Wonderful pix. That's funky about the half-red half-black bands. Awesome to have them straight out of a bag. (How hard was it to open the bag?)
  14. Thanks for taking care of that for David. :-) Man, I totally missed out on the CAC's. I was looking at the red, white and blue ones.
  15. So that's the post David referred us to at Another Board?
  16. LOL. Thanks M. Yeah, I only mentioned Sue not me, because of course I deserve to be banned. I'm evil. (lol) I only tried to support Kevin about 3/4 of the time when he was putting his foot into it over here. Sue supported him all the way up until the end.
  17. Steph


    Thanks Mark. P.s., I didn't mean your pic was fuzzy. Only the concept. :-)
  18. Steph


    Photobucket has a setting which provides the IMG code for the picture. My albums are set up so that the IMG code shows up underneath the thumbnail for the picture.
  19. Steph


    If you have the address of the picture at photobucket, and put the correct IMG code in the right place before and after, it should post. Here is an example from my photobucket account. The code below gives this image: [img=http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o151/modularforms/emoticons/icon_popcorn.gif]
  20. Did the Jabo superman run go as high as 7/8"?
  21. Scott and Kevin are both special cases. You haven't addressed Kevin's goal/prediction/actions taken to suppress/destroy this board. Kevin still patrols this board for new members he can recruit for his own board. He PMs them using the system of the board he scorns. In my opinion that's bordering on abuse of privileges. Funny, since when Kevin's been upset at someone such as Edna he has taken away their PM privileges at his board. But Lou is and has always been more fair and accepting than Kevin could ever comprehend so he has continued to allow Kevin membership here and Kevin can keep stirring stuff behind the scenes.
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