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Everything posted by Steph

  1. My favorite picture of these was posted by @hrjane, if I recall correctly. She had a group of them where one or more still had the kindergarten foil star attached. Some of the pictures in this auction show the ball mill ball crazing pretty well. I can't recall if I ever had one with the star.
  2. Oh, Rick, you didn't have to fess up to that! I fixed your post before I made my post. Sure is funny how things go sometimes. How much can get missed when you only know someone online.
  3. Groan @ Ric. (lol) Happy birthday to you, Chris.
  4. Our activity level is increasing. We might be approaching a critical mass where a trading game could happen again. There's certainly nothing to stop a guess the marble count game with some prize, even if the owner of the jar doesn't want to give their marbles away!
  5. I still didn't feel I was seeing the seams, but maybe I do. I am getting a sense of squareness, not a Mastery V. With the colors, bubbles, and glass texture -- even before I saw your mention of the other marbles that it was with -- I am more strongly leaning Peltier.
  6. Jabo, Champion, Alley all come to mind.
  7. Akro seems a good possibility. However, I'm not really getting a good feel for the structure. Views in different lighting might help. And featuring the cutlines of course. I'm not quite recognizing any Akro style that I know of. The green seems more pale and the base more UV than I would expect on the basic two-color patch known as Royal. I'm also considering Peltier.
  8. I am at work now so I haven't checked it out on my home computer, but I finally realized I do have that capacity. When I try to print something, I am offered the option of saving to PDF. And I'm able to choose the page range for printing. So, yeah, I could have gotten it myself. I just never thought to "print" it.
  9. Don't forget the possibility of Vacor Old Fashion. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  10. I bet that if I was the tenth person to answer, the majority would have said Vitro. However, I'm the first to answer, and my first, strong impulse was Akro.
  11. Had to clean this thread up. The original graphics that I linked to were gone. I used the Google Books source. I broke page 380 into three images in order to be able to screenshot it widely enough to be what I hope is easily readable. So, in case you're saving my images, realize that the middle page is a multiparter. It would be handy to extract pages 379 to 381 in PDF form from the longer PDF document, but I don't currently have the software for that.
  12. I _might_ be able to make that change, but it looks like a job for @bumblebee
  13. If mistakes are made, don't worry. We can fix titles. We basically encourage a new thread for each separate document. However, for related documents such as correspondence between different companies which might span some months, certainly feel free to post all the related documents in the same thread. We'll try to have common sense about this! Comments are welcome in other people's threads. If a thread starts to get complicated and we think some of the material would benefit from being in its own thread we can always split that off. We understand that not all material found in newspapers and magazines will be accurate. Corrections and elaborations are welcome. Some topics have in the past become very controversial, so as always let's try to keep discussions civil and constructive. If you have a really great document but don't know the year it was created, that's okay too. Post what you know. And maybe someone else will have input which could help narrow down the date.
  14. In this subforum, we are trying to gather historical marble documents. It could be advertisements, articles, patents, company ephemera, etc. Fun items are welcome as well as more serious or technical. We especially hope to see items where dates are known. In those cases, please put the date at the start of the thread title. If you know the month and day as well as the year, then using this format will be helpful for us: YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2022-03-06 for March 6, 2022. The subforum has an option to sort threads by title. Using that date format will allow the documents to be sorted in chronological order.
  15. The guest commenting is turned back off. There is a notice that un-logged-in browsers have to sign in to comment. Should be no more confusion there.
  16. Well, I'm heading out for the evening. Nobody be alarmed if anything else goes wrong. We'll get it all fixed!
  17. Yeah, we used to be able to post as guests, then Jason made it so we couldn't, but now that's back again. Not sure what happened. I split Bill's post from here over to a new thread over there and let Jason know about the guest posting. We have wrinkles to iron out.
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