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Everything posted by godown

  1. OH bugger the image is tiny hope you dont mind Matt ive copied your picture and reposted it with Photobucket hoping having the three pictures on the same page might be handy Very odd cant seem to copy any of your pics this one isnt one you have posted
  2. Couple things i've noticed On Matts the coloured ribbons seem to go narrow fat squiggle yet the edges on the ribbons are sharp and some have a little bit of Transparent green traveling along side an against the red unlike the Pic Cheese has put up were the ribbons go on some narrow fat squiggle but bleed or blend into the green and have no green transparent traveling along side On Mons pic the ribbons don't seem to get narrow fat narrow and squiggle more so they are fat and go skinny and end with tips even the blunt ends have little tips hanging of but do have the transperent green travelling along the red ribbons Hope that makes some sense
  3. Yeah ive no idea nice mibs though love the way the slightly larger one is " open " an you can look down inside in the last picture
  4. My first love is slags and you pick up some real nice one`s That pink lavender one`s nice think i have a nice transitional pink some were
  5. Lovely picture Galen those are all Pretty marbles , in particular the electrics Just curious 2nd row from the top red and white striped opaque, Its a milk glass base right ?
  6. Shooting for 98 f today down here Ya did an amazing job on that roof too i did a google fly over looks pretty spectacular from the air
  7. godown


    $6 Bargain an i bet it gives some one who likely needs the work a job
  8. Nice pic mate, love that big big old place on the left look interesting with the stairway and roofing bet its got a few storys to tell
  9. Yeah Mon caught them from where i'm standing, Its a beautiful spot when the weather is calm like in this Pic when the weather is up waves go right over that rock to the right in the back ground
  10. Yes mate Down here in OZ we call them Spanish Mackerel,
  11. Wouldn't want you to think i don't like a bit of excitement in my life though an for almost 30 years ive been a pretty dedicated ( obsessed ) rock fisherman
  12. Yep im digging it too got a few regular nesters out the back myself very cool the way your girl camouflage it
  13. Well whatta ya know woke up to the sound of a tiny bit of drizzle falling on the tin roof here this morning with a forecast of 20% chance of a morning shower and or thunderstorm !! over 100 days since ive had any rain on the roof here hope i get 10 mils, but i'm doubtful estimated temp 32 0r in the US measure 89f Thanks for those pearls of wisdom Bob I will be sure to remember to wear sun glasses if i ever decided to jump of a perfectly safe structure with a bunch of oversized rubber bands tied to me ankles
  14. Nice Winnie Thanks guys My wife picked up a couple storage boxes for me and i've got the first one in my Cac box Ya gotta start some were Funny what you pick up with the Cameras Macro setting as i hadn't noticed what i thought looked like a cut line in hand now after much pondering and winnie`s confirmation of my conclusion i believe it could be the cold roll asmade was slightly raised or proud and with the play wear its just probably a ruff line Live and learn ay Ive got a few more i was thinking of showing that are not green so i was thinking i might change the topic title to Slags / Transitionals and any ones who`s keen can put up some pics
  15. Okay hopefully i can pick up a few more different ones Another of my little green ones just under 15mm ive had this as a " Transitional " but while getting pictures i see what appears to be another cut line at the tail
  16. Love the 19/32 yellow slag Mon Shame about the brown job you were chasing but good to see you ended up with a few keepers in the Lot
  17. Thanks very much all, i didn't know the little one`s weren't a common find although i've found more larger one`s in my travels i have a small handful of different colours i will show all around the same size i know i don't have any slags as small as that nice little amber
  18. Have had this little guy ( 37/64 ) for some time and was going to add some pictures to the peewee thread bought some calipers and new globes to take some pictures only to find its to big to be a peewee LOL Not sure it can be nailed down to a maker or place of origin but any thoughts appreciated Thanks craig
  19. That little amber fist amber one pictured bottom left looks pretty cool with the curly white ribbon
  20. A pleasure Sara Here is a link to transitionals by a knowledgeable gent by the name of Roger I don't mind telling you i reckon he has forgotten more than i know about the subject this page was a real help to me when i first started to try and identify my finds http://members.kingston.net/browse/transpics/trans2.html
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