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Everything posted by godown

  1. I'm not sure if there is much of an age difference between the 2 Winnie has shown but i belive there are some with bright glass and colour resembling wirepulls I would have thought there would be no doubt on the Blue being a Striped transparent ? with the Pattern & Tunnel can the Red still be a slag ?
  2. Hi Winnie I think the same family " Striped Transparents " It seems to me very uncommon to see 2 colour stripping i think it may be on purpose as the Red is perfect to the pattern and not some front some back or mixed red and white colours in the same stripe But it is hard to know for sure other german marbles often have a thin red stripe in the pattern with handmades and machine mades so they did do it on purpose at times I have no problem calling a german striped transparent with a transparent coloured base with 2 colour stripping a type 2 seems natural What i do have a problem with is collectors calling them slags Lol but that is a story for another time Craig
  3. Thanks Bud Ive paid by paypal I don't find Mibs like that down here I look forward to checking it out Craig
  4. Yep im on the Veiligglass Wirepull train also
  5. Nice Winnie i never find the yellow Transitionals down here Good find Craig
  6. saw your reference to Akros this morning mate Came across this recently searching the national library Australia " Trove " newspapers for marble info the article is from the lismore star 1937 Not sure if it helps as it doesn't actually say Akro fire opals but it does mention a few names associated with Akro and not that far of your date
  7. Yep Our summer sport Steph great if you grew up with the game A 5 day game is called a test match with a great historic rivalry between Australia and England
  8. Sneaky Pelt Lol i was going to follow up Winnie's nice one with another Striped Transparent
  9. Many thanks Lou seems to be all working ok now Craig
  10. Congrats on the win and thanks Dennis Joe and chuck for the fun
  11. godown

    Moving ....

    Boy oh boy you really are in the wars Take it easy we need you around here Oh and Happy new Year
  12. picked up a nice little group of Transitionals couple months back of Aussie Ebay which was a surprise as i see bugger all good one`s listed down here couple others in the group not sure but think there Akros royals or something happy to get these as i don't buy much so its nice to add something i dont have all these red and white transionals i dig are always stuffed craig
  13. Well i've got a long way to go spotting the good one`s Matt your pic above i would have thought bulgarian or some such similar and the ebay shot posted by orbboy i would have thought stone agate with a bulls eye end Lol good eye not the first time i've been fooled by pictures and probably not the last Craig
  14. Lol I hope you can get a good nights sleep before long take`s a while with ribs i know last year i tore the cartilage between my ribs and didn't have a good nights sleep for a good 3 months
  15. Merry Christmas to you guys as well and all members And a special christmas wish to Steph hope your move is going ok and the ribs aren't troubling you too much Take care Craig
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