Thanks Dindo the marbles are sitting on a sheet of white opaque perspex that was used for viewing xrays so the light is actually under them think those sparklers would look pretty wild using the same back lighting technique
Keen on the euros myself and have mostly foreign to the US marbles in my collection
have seen these opaque types in German packaging i also have a bunch of the transparent types but am a bit technically challenged at present so haven't been taking much pictures but any way here is one i just put together
I managed to find only one for sale since your post Dave the 2 blue one`s maybe especially the one on the left i would say most likely is
The transparent types are easy to buy this was just one lot i saw many in groups
And this great site has them not sure how many he sells but at 2.50 each i would imagine they sell
I have also never got one in an Aussie lot unfortunately
Yeah i agree very noticeable with your example different looking colors depending on its thickness of red over the white i have some S/T here like your`s that you would swear were orange
Yeah im with you Steph im think a German with a itsy bitsy teensy chance of US Its a striped transparent that went wrong the fried egg in pic 1 is upside down road and tunnel
Nice shot good story
Im Craig im 52 been around on and off here for 5 years been working a remote location with little to no internet so haven`t been around for the last 8 months
Don't buy much marbles but love the german hand mades Bought a couple handfuls over the years and pick up the odd ebay lot down here in Australia if they look interesting mostly Australian lots contain marbles that you would find on Ebay UK German Vieligglas the french wisplers and a mix of maker Transitionals Started collecting marble after finding them in the ground and under houses looking for bottles, found handmade's, transitionals, slags, bennington's and the odd made in USA marble
Love marbles and there are 3 other loves in my life
Bottle collecting / Digging / Picture from last sunday
My Daughter who is my Digging partner and also a marble & bottle collector
Pic from 3 weeks ago black line all red
And lastly Cliff fishing which has been my passion for 30 years picture from the end of May 60 odd pounder from Quobba station