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Everything posted by godown

  1. godown


    No mate dont think so, think it is a multi colored swirl i do have a Christmas tree here but its opaque white base with green and red ribbons and im not sure of the variations
  2. 1st of September is the start of spring down here in West oz light winds and mild days 25 today, nice to be finally be breaking out of dreary old winter Glad im not in Pretoria another month or so before we get regular temps like that
  3. One thing Roger didn't mention with Josephs you should be able to look inside, on this example pictured you will notice its almost like there are ribbons missing and you can see into the core the effect is very obvious on mine not so obvious on others you will see https://www.glasmurmeln.com/Josephs-Coats.htm
  4. Yep Steph newer but nice i believe these are still used by street vendors in India a few of the older one`s have colored marbles as well and are chased hard
  5. godown


    No worries contacted the site owner to find out and am waiting for a reply
  6. godown


    Thanks mate like to help out if i can Yes wish i was bilingual at time`s i have done many many search`s using google translate typing out in English translating into German and Japanese and searching very time consuming and frustrating at times but can be rewarding when you learn something new or find something that worth sharing
  7. godown


    I believe it means new marbles meaning machine made , i also think its German marbles only as there are no American marbles but i haven't contacted the gentleman to confirm that as i believe this site is German marbles only On the home page he lists updates he makes to the site so it doesn`t mean new pictures In the category list on the site he has http://www.murmelwelt.de/murmeln.html Alte Murmeln 100 years old Neue Murmeln Machine made mass produced goods so neue Murmeln basically means machine mades
  8. godown


    Yes i agree with Steph looks to be a machine made you want to see more of a twisted boiled lollie or barber pole when thinking transitional with a start and end of the continuous ribbon if you rotate the first picture 90 degrees to the right the marble will be the right way up and same in the second picture but to the left
  9. Wow Dave im blown away that`s a pretty impressive looking box of Handmades
  10. godown


    might be a possible German given that these are multi colored frit like yours mate not sure what to make of the solid blue inside,, but the center one in the group pic appears to have some solid to it and i think the base glass has that not real bright and clear look Not really sure and just really trying to add to the pool of knowledge i figure these were made lots of places like em with the color and that whopper green one is nice http://www.murmelwelt.de/neue5.html
  11. godown

    Id req1

    Yep my best guess would be master as well
  12. godown

    Id req3

    I would probably agree with Transitional and might be Japanese Gotta be honest its really tough to get a feel for and see the detail of the glass with all that reflection and it has an awful lot of bubbles i dont have heaps of transitional s here to compare to yours but the few i have arent that bubbly
  13. Yep Anacortes was what i was thinking
  14. Yep always good to get one IDed that`s proving hard to pin down
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