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Everything posted by godown

  1. I remember Pinocios Chad 😅 went there a few time's myself New pick up for the collection which im over the moon to get an original 1950's Fairylite box , Fairylite were an import / export jobber , these wire pulls & swirls are all right round the inch
  2. Thanks a lot Chad , yes i remember back in the 80's when the US navy used to come to Fremantle Couple new one's i was lucky enough to snag , both these ive seen here in a codeg box have wanted example's for age's now so very happy to finally land some
  3. Thanks Chad the only place i know to find Veiligglas is on ebay Uk mate but don't go bidding on any the competition is already tough enough for the good one's Lol Surprisingly & Lucky for me no one really wanted these but that first picture which was the only picture in the listing it was pot luck whether the condition was going to be any good always a gamble on a box lot
  4. Few new one's i picked up first a group shot from the sale listing , all are 1 inch or just close , the hunt continues 😉
  5. Thanks Steph 🙂
  6. Was just poking around looking to help some one out with there bag and came up with this 🙂 From the Official Gazette of the US patent office 1955
  7. They may have escaped due to the last sentence Act 5 Interstate commerce im just guessing , glad its of interest seemed to tie in well with some of the comment`s in the topic
  8. Thinking this could be the reason for no onyx line after 1930 March 17 1930 17 Nov 1930 This box was registered in march after the complaint was made https://books.google.com.au/books?id=wWohAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA274&dq=Toy+glass+marbles&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiIisu4-qjpAhWSzjgGHVFWC2QQ6AEIbTAJ#v=onepage&q=Toy glass marbles&f=false
  9. Japanese marbles had taken over Steph
  10. An article from 1955 🙂
  11. Sorry for the delay mate she`s been a bit slow for new mibs 😄 Was lucky enough to get this one
  12. managed to snag a lot from the UK which im over the moon with small one is 11 / 16 largest 46/64 🙂
  13. Same as leighton`s patent process of 1891 but 1896 is good for Navaree starting up as well
  14. 1896 but may have been written a few years earlier i assume as part or all of the process was already in use interesting how they were finished
  15. Yes i know you do mate one of the reasons i posted it here, i thought you would enjoy them shame there isnt a bit more detail
  16. I thought it was good for moral a 5 year old boy at the start of the war in London is now 13 imagine what he has seen, bloody politicians there heads are up there own any way here is another one i saw which i thought was interesting arriving in Sydney Aust wonder if you want to have a guess at the date i wont ask you its 1830 she wasn't a trouble maker she was grand old lady owned by the white star line and is parked in Long Beach CA 🙂
  17. Yeah Steph i enjoy going through the old articles and the National library are continually up loading digital copies to there site so new stuff is always on the cards I came across this arvo one 5 months later in 1948
  18. Came across this in an Aussie newspaper an article from 1947 thats Australian dollars Fair few marbles i would imagine for the kiddies of London
  19. Thats a good looking group , ive not seen single seams on these didnt know they were around so cool to see some
  20. Lol i believe it got to ten x the amount quoted above when business was really booming , pretty big employer in a not so large city in those days
  21. See the Jap transitional`s in groups all the time down here in Australia get the mushrooms also but not in numbers finding the couple i have is proving a bit of a problem
  22. godown


    Be careful im under the impression they can be very addictive, peltier made there share of the nicest marbles in the hobby
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