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Everything posted by godown

  1. Hi Guys mate here in Oz was telling me he has a few dug marbles found during his bottle hunting On the phone it sounded like an Indian but now having seen the pictures im wondering if its a Clambroth but it has that one fat stripe which makes me unsure Any thoughts appreciated
  2. godown


    What thats some great Advertising
  3. That defendants do not produce in their flow-tank "streams" composed of clear and of different colored glasses; but defendants only produce bodies of clear and colored glasses, irregularly mixed and constituting gobs of the old style, or prior art gobs, in form or character; and defendants' marbles do not have the colored glass on the inside only, within the clear glass, but defendants' marbles have the colored glass on the outside and scattered all through the clear glass, irregularly.
  4. Here is an article that kind of backs up your theory Dan https://books.google.com.au/books?id=4YXTQxelfmYC&pg=PT75&dq=japanese+glass+marbles&hl=en&sa=X&ei=z2AkVZH4C5ft8gXm7IHAAg&ved=0CDoQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=japanese%20glass%20marbles&f=false
  5. Ive just had a little look around google books and come across this article i think it pretty much spells out marble production in germany in the 20s at least traditional production anyway Makes me wonder how long the transitional period lasted https://books.google.com.au/books?id=aFDJAwAAQBAJ&pg=PT58&dq=japanese+glass+industry+in+the+1920s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WGAjVeqaCOS7mQXY1oGoDg&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=japanese%20glass%20industry%20in%20the%201920s&f=false
  6. Hi Bob im guessing the bubbles probably started out round, the shape bubbles want to be and are elongated when the cane is stretched out and yep " frozen " as the glass cools
  7. Dont have to many Pink ones so this is the other side of the mib on the last page
  8. godown


    Cool thanks Ann
  9. Yep thanks Galen did a search and yep your spot on asian patch thread in a made in Japan box mine`s a bit weak on the stripes Looks like they vary Knew id seen one somewhere
  10. Im a bit lost with this one so any thoughts appreciated its spot on 21/32 Bit of an observation the glass may have been pretty cold and the marble hasn't smoothed out in the rollers as the heavier white is a little proud and in some spots i can catch it with the finger nail and may explain a little the ruff as guts seam ? Thanks
  11. godown


    Thanks Cheese
  12. godown


    Gave this one a run through the ID section a year or so back when i dug it with no real result i think due to my description and pictures Since then and in particular over the last couple months ive been liking the striped transparent types and have managed to snag a few on ebay and with all the CAC action recently ive been comparing some of my Mibs with similar patterns Well ive all but convinced myself this one is CAC What do you all think just a shade under 17mm or 21/32 White strip traveling around to other side of seam is also one part of S pattern this pic looking down on the marble you can just make out the other cut / seam at 2.30 on the leading edge of white the next pic is the seam in the next picture S colour pic comparison Probably got a bit carried away and to many pictures but its one of my favorites pay no attention to the biggest chip thats were i hit it with the shovel it came from under the floor boards of an old early 1900s home Thanks
  13. Hi Winnie thank you i like these types also I believe there considered european striped transparents
  14. Hey no problem Steph it was actually my intention to post the quote to the new thread but some how i muffed it
  15. This article is from an Australian News paper 1927
  16. godown


    Ive only got the one agate, a Dyed agate egg thing i like other side
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