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Everything posted by godown

  1. Dont think the Trademark relates to here either found this 1951 On 1951-10-30, a trademark application was filed with the Australian Government by Mayfair Foods Pty Ltd.On application IP Australia assigned number 208836.
  2. Congratulations Hansel sound like you did well Yes there is some really top notch Cooper preserve Jars that come out of India 1840 / 60s era Stephen Green pottery and some great stone " Hamilton " bottles Found some Santa Claus packaging in the study hall,,,,,,, Japanese packaging Post # 11 http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6917-japanese-marbles-original-packaging/
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Vintage-Boxed-Santa-Claus-Yasuda-Glass-Factory-40-Marble-Balls-Japan-/361213395225?nma=true&si=gVHsFSWXLuZuB4Su%252BtE8c1nZbDI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Im glad you didnt bid on it Winnie its From India which i think is a bit of a worry Considering the ebay user name and other items listed Sunil Arts Engineering Works Located in Japura India are manufactures & Exporters of Indian handy crafts
  4. No its not mine mate ive just been browsing ebay i did have an enfield for many years a 1956 constellation 700 twin at times id like to own another old British bike hence the browsing Here is the link http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Royal-Enfield-1936-JF-Bronze-Head-4-valve-/181674171963?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item2a4c9fde3b This one is my screen saver
  5. Kinda looks like a goats head with the little billy beard & horns going up to the left
  6. Going through the Photobucket album and came across some old shots
  7. I've always figured this one is an Asian ? 13mm This one has sort of aventurine finish
  8. Some really nice Marbles Winnie I have some i have found Im not entirely not sure are all asian But the first 2 look like they have been plucked right out of the " Pincher " advertising picture on the previous page
  9. Oh that's some sad news real sorry to hear! yeah cats they are bad news for the native wild life
  10. How did your birds get on hatch yet ?
  11. Yep cant feel my face cold stay warm if you can Darla
  12. Still hot down here into the high 80s up over the hundred degrees, go outside and you can feel your skin burning Doesn't stop some of us from walking around vacant lots and digging holes though , some of the Recent sights to be seen This one sucked me in pretty good turned out the be a flubber ball I hear the weathers pretty hairy up there in places stay safe all
  13. A couple of caged solid core`s i picked up of ebay for myself
  14. ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-5-8-034-German-Striped-Transparent-Marble-Lovely-amp-Unique-Deep-Red-Base-/161564445824?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=gVHsFSWXLuZuB4Su%252BtE8c1nZbDI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  15. Thought this might interest handmade collectors and contemporary artists, I like it for the illustrated description of how they were making marble cane, The book is devoted to making glass products so there is a lot to see if your into that as well written in 1849 Pg 106 https://books.google.com.au/books?id=FCwGAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA109&dq=glass+ball&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JkjZVNn8FOHMmwWGj4DwBQ&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=glass%20ball&f=false
  16. Nice pick ups some different and nice ones in the last picture
  17. Great shots mate really beautiful & extreme place your living in there
  18. Nice Steph, lovely old group my kinda marbles
  19. I agree Steph on those last 2 pictures the one above defiantly isnt the other is close and maybe the benefit of the doubt, if i was in the market to buy an angel i think i would pass on that one though and hope for a better tanned example and old pic i found posted in 09 these 6 blue guys all have a bit of murky tan and vary
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